See the apartheid in action? Here it is in the heart of Arabia. Any flotillas, anti-apartheid marches for this victim? Non-white or brown foreign labor in the Middle East aren’t better than slaves. Watch a youth beats a garbage collector who cannot fight back for fear of being deported. Those who criticize the “western” values, can they please explain this sickening, in-humane behavior, racism, hatred, maltreatment, slavery and no respect for human. Where are the human rights values of ummah?
Ahmad shukairy Arab-nazi has invented the apartheid slur (upon pluralistic democratic Israel (where Arabs are not only treated equal in all aspects. But often enjoy more rights than Jews, in ‘affirmative action’ and other preferential treatments. [“Affirmative Action?” the Israeli Edition – Op-Eds – Israel National News, 7 Feb 2002] [“Israel: The Jewish affirmative action state,” by Ariel Natan Pasko, IsraelInsider, July 1, 2005] [Israel Government Action in the Arab Sector’, Jewsh Virtual Library, February 21, 2000)] [“Israel National Radio – Zionist Affirmative Action.” 12/7/2010 3:58:00 PM. A7 Radio’s “Behind the Scene” with David Bedein. Israel National News] [Affirming affirmative action – by Mohammad Darawshe, Haaretz, 02-04-10] [Israel a safe haven for Arabs – Israel Opinion, Ynetnews 27 Apr 2011] [“Government approves affirmative action in civil service Government offices will be encouraged to recruit staff from ethnic minorities, especially Arabs.” 12 March 06 18:42, Zeev Klein. Globes][“Zionism as Affirmative Action” – The Israel Report April 2001] [2000 students owe university place to affirmative action – Haaretz. 19 Nov 2009]), six years before the so-called “occupation” excuse came about) in 1961. [Middle East Record Volume 2, 1961 By Yitzhak Oron, Ed., Page 188] He helped the (ally of Adolf Hitler, al-Husseini, better known as the) Mufti and aided in extermination of Jews in WW2, according to testimony in Congress. [Congressional record: proceedings and debates of the United States Congress: Volume 113, Part 12 – United States. Congress – Govt. Print. Off., 1967 – Page A-525]. The same Shukairy admitted in 1956 that so-called “Palestine” is NOTHING but a part of Syria… [United Nations review: Volume 3 – United Nations. Dept. of Public Information, United Nations. Office of Public Information – 1957 – Page 8] [Politics, lies, and videotape: 3,000 questions and answers on the Mideast crisis – Page 392 – Yitschak Ben Gad – SP Books, 1991 – 479 pages] Then, in 1963, he changed his mind, and the ‘new nationalism’ is ‘conveniently’ used -since then- by Arab immigrants’ children who call themselves as “Palestinians” [mainly] since about that same year. He’s more famous for coining the Palestine Liberation Organization’s genocide slogan ‘Drive the Jews into the Sea’ [America’s Two Holy Wars – John Tyler – Page 246]. All that happened, not before he identified himself with Nazi groups in 1962. [The re-emergence of fascism – by Dennis Eisenberg, MacGibbon & Kee, 1967, 348 Pages – Page 322]
All the while, the Arab world and the Muslim world are the largest practitioners of racial and religious apartheid. Where not one minority has equal rights with the governing power. Not to mention the still-practiced racist slavery on Asians and on blacks by Arabs. And the ethnic cleansing by the Arab world including by anti-Christian, anti-Jewish Arab-Islamic-Apartheid-Palestine. To quote from books: The Islamic world “the world’s largest practitioner of both religious and gender apartheid.” [Israel: And the Palestinian Nightmare – Page 158 – Ze’ev Shemer – 2010 – 244 pages] “The Islamic culture of “religious intolerance, economic backwardness, gender apartheid, muzzled press, militarism, terrorism.” [A theory of international terrorism: understanding Islamic militancy – Page 153 – L. Ali Khan – 2006 – 371 pages] The “antisemitism of the Arab world and the Muslim world.” The racist “long history of oppression against minorities in Arab countries.” [U.S. news & world report: Volume 131, Issues 8-18 – U.S. News Pub. Corp., 2001 – Page 120] [“Beware Palestinian apartheid,” ‘Op-ed: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic cleansing of Jews.’ Jonathan Dahoah Halevi, Ynet, 08.04.10] [The Real Apartheid State, by David Bedein, 2011]
The lying Arab-Palestinian Goliath machine not only lies and denies Israel’s extending more rights to Arabs than to Jews (like favortism in court, affirmative action and exemption from military service), but also fabricates “memorandums” like a supposed speech by N. Mandela which was actually written by an Arab residing in the Netherland… The Arab lobby also aided J. Carter (the one who wrote a hate book in 2006 with almost an exact title of that by Palestinian-Arab M. Bishara in 2002), who uttered anti-Jewish bigoted statements like: ‘stating Freeman’s recommendations for council board members contained “too many Jews.”‘ [Living in the Times of the Signs – Page 219 – David R. Barnhart – 2007 – 492 pages]
The racist Arab “apartheid” slander campaign (like infamous ‘apartheid week’) has been rocked by usual anti-Jewish hatred outbursts, including calls to kill Jews, Swastikas, etc. [M. Ignatieff: Israel Apartheid Week and CUPE Ontario’s anti-Israel posturing should be condemned.” National Post, March 05, 2009] [Swastikas and Ku Klux Klan Symbols during ‘Apartheid Week…” Israel National News, 3 Mar 2010]
Anti Semitism always refered to exclusively anti-Jewish bigotry [see: (renowned historian and scholar) Bernard Lewis, “Semites and Antisemites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice,” New York: WW Norton, 1986], including by: Arab anti-Jewish racism and Islamic anti-Jewish intolerance which is the thrust of the “conflict” that began by al-Husseini the Mufti in the 1920s. From the Wall Street Journal, “The Mufti of Berlin” – September, 2009: ‘Arab-Nazi collaboration is a taboo topic in the West. …venom pioneered by the mufti as do Islamic hate preachers around the world. Muslim Judeophobia is notas is commonly claimeda reaction to the Mideast conflict but one of its main “root causes.” It has been fueling Arab rejection of a Jewish state long before Israel’s creation.’