By Maqsoodul Hasan Qasmi
This was in the beginning of July. I was coming out of the mosque after offering the namaz of Isha (the last prayer of the day) when I saw some youth distributing pamphlets at both the doors of the mosque. I was taken aback at the title of the pamphlet and read the whole text standing there. In the pamphlet the Muslims were told that the day was not too far when the whole world would be under their rule and to achieve that they should establish Khilafat and that only Khilafat was the real Islamic form of government. … I was all the more surprised to realise that the person who was provoking the Muslims against the democratic government and democratic constitution terming it as ‘satanic’ and evil was himself a lawyer in the Indian judiciary and earning his bread and butter through the laws formed by the very constitution he branded un-Islamic. Could there be a bigger paradox than that?…
My humble advice to these people is that in this country where Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians live harmoniously together, they should not indulge in inflammatory and provocative religious sloganeering as it will not work in this country that belongs to Indians associated with different religions and cultures. They should go to Pakistan or Afghanistan and live with people establishing Khilafat through their so-called jihad and exploding bombs day in and day out in the name of jihad. Their wish of martyrdom and meeting the houris can be fulfilled sooner than later there. …
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Giddar Ki Jab Maut Aati Hai, Shaher Ke Taraf Bhaag ta Hai …….. !
These misguided madrasa educated muslims are just courting disaster for themselves ……… while the community is watching as a by-stander ……… !
I appreciate you article, whic I found to be an eye opener, but nevertheless, I have a fwe comments to make, with your permission and for your considerations and response, if you please.
I choose to omit the opositive portions of your article, so please do not mind if my comments are somewhat one-sided.
Since I am highly interested in Islam, I have been reading about it and have been influenced by the stance of the Deoband madarsa.
You have said in you article: “Their wish of martyrdom and meeting the houris can be fulfilled sooner than later there. …”.
I have read a hadith in the book Muslim Shareef which says: “If a person dies, without ever wishing to have participated in Jihad…he dies on Nifak…”
In your article, you seem to be ascrbing the Jihad wish to thoise whom you critcise, which pre-supposes that you yourself do not wish to ever participate in Jihad. This itself makes you a Munafiik?
Is my understanding correct? I have tried to get my respnse verified from the respectable scholars, but most seem to shy away from responding on such an issue.
Will you please correct me, I hope to get my commented corrected/modifeid, but only in the lkight of an textual evidence.