Dr. Manzur Ejaz at SANA on language, culture & politics

Dr. Manzoor Ejaz of Washington DC, a very well known journalist and economist speaking at Sindhi Association of North America 27th Annual SANA CONVENTION in speakers forum. Dr. Manzoor Ejaz flanked by Kamran Shafi on the left and Mohammad Taqi on the right is talking on language, culture and politics.



One thought on “Dr. Manzur Ejaz at SANA on language, culture & politics”

  1. I know Manzur Ejaz, self proclaimed off spring of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh very well. He is just a PAINDOO by his looks and by his action. I am not sure whether he is a PHD or not but to me he is a stupid who thinks that he is an INTELECTUAL. He should be selling meat and should be working in a butcher shop or in a hair cut saloon not here but somewhere in a PIND in Pakistan.

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