Tag Archives: Disharmony


by Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan, Karachi

The Punjab Province dominates in four aspects of the Pakistan`s resources because of possessing about 90% in the total employment and financial resources through four organizations like (i)Punjab Govt itself, (ii) Federal Government`s all Ministries and departments, (iii) Defense and (iv) Federal Territory i.e Islamabad and etc.

In the Provincial status, no other Province`s people get any employment in the set up of the Punjab Govt.In the Federal Quota, major portion about 90 % employees and officers belong to Punjab because of the domination of number of Punjab bureaucracy working in the establishment who vigilantly look after the quota rather get major share more than their prescribed quota, in defense and other organizations. Each citizen is fully aware about who dominates and fourthly in Islamabad federal territory where no employee of the province can be absorbed as Islamabad domicile is must for him.At the highest level about 90 percent bureaucrats belong to the Punjab.In these circumstances, they feel themselves very strong and dominant and get the interest of Punjab intact and give benefit to Punjab and thus they devour about 90% or big chunk of the employment and also national exchequer of the country.

No body can raise objection to their actions of getting such dominant share in all respects but in the case of national integrity, they have proved to be very harmful as due to their such behavior since independence, we lost half of the Pakistan.

Just forget all such old and past events and examples but here their latest and very recent malicious and forceful actions are mentioned i.e (i) The bureaucracy considering them very strong and forceful, they violated the national agreement sought in case of 7th NFC award at Gawadar, only one month before the current years budget.The whole Pakistan and all leaders, rulers i.e all CMs, PM, President and all Ministers celebrated it to get the unanimous decision for the sake of brotherhood and national cohesion but two or three highest bureaucrats and majority of lower grade manipulated the unanimous decision taken for the Unity and Cohesion merged into the dust by twisting the decision of sharing financial resources between all the provinces particularly the decisions about the shares to be distributed to the Sindh Province and dodging the PM and the president of Pakistan to get their maligned notification issued by them. When pointed out to them by the Sindh Chief Minister and media their malicious action, they argued that as, the present Govt. is run by PPP, it would be in favor of Sindh people, if they allow them to do what they want to do and think better otherwise the present Govt belonging to Sindhi people or PPP would be in danger.It is astonishing to describe that the matter is still in the doldrums and no final ordinance for the distribution of national resources in accordance with the decision taken in 7th NFC Award, has so far been issued.

The second incident is about the stubborn, forceful and hasty decision taken by a bureaucrat of the Punjab in regard to the water allowed in the Thal and Chashma canal without the consent of the other members of Irsa belonging to Sindh and Balochistan.

If we consider only two above mentioned malicious and forceful actions of Punjab bureaucrats, how and what hope of brotherhood and national integrity in people of all Provinces of Pakistan can be sustained and expected.The result of such malaified activities of Punjab Bureaucrats can be predicted as very harmful and fatal for National Unity. (God forbid)
