In continuation with our sole aim and focus on promoting our beloved mother tongue, we are proposing to upload Sindhi telefilms, comedy Sindhi tele episodes and Sindh music videos produced by Sindhisangat on internet. As a test run, we have uploaded our first telefilm, titled Zahar Pyar Jo. Click on This has been released on DVD and telecast on Sindhi Surhaan, our weekly TV programme on DD Gujarati and DD India.
This initiative has been taken up as a response to the many requests received all over the world to send across DVDs since they are unable to view the TV channels. The cost involved in the logistics make this a time consuming unviable exercise. Hence, team SindhiSangat has now decided to uploaded these telefilms online for you to view at the convenience and comfort of your homes.
You can view the movie online directly or download and/or burn it to a DVD Video so that your entire family can watch…
Downloads (standard & high quality versions) and this online viewing/downloading is now free for all
The 50 plus age group of Sindhis love their language but are not as computer savvy. So download these videos and present them as a DVD to watch!
Sindhisangat Team