Sugar Associated Disorders : Obesity, diabetes, depression, Heart disease, High Blood Pressure, Cancer (breast, colon or rectal cancer), Addiction, Allergies, Anxiety, Asthma, yeast infections, digestive problems, difficulty concentrating, colitis, ulcers, eating disorders, mood swings, edema, emotional problems, high triglyceride levels, hormonal dis- balances, insomnia, menstrual problems, vision problems, teeth decay, weakened immunity, acne, eczema, psoriasis, mental illness, liver dysfunction and muscle pain.
Daily Archives: 11/11/2010
Sindh Assembly passed a unanimous resolution for WAPDA’s rotational chairmanship with representation of every province
SA passes six resolutions
* Representation of all provinces in WAPDA’s Board of Directors stressed
By Masroor Afzal Pasha
KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly (SA) passed a unanimous resolution on Wednesday for the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)’s rotational chairmanship in all provinces with representation of every province in WAPDA’s board of directors (BoD). …
Read more : Daily Times
US mid-terms and Af-Pak policy: what lies ahead —Dr Mohammad Taqi
…. The same review will also focus on Pakistan’s role in the Afghan imbroglio. That Pakistan is essential for US success and ultimately peace in Afghanistan is understood clearly by both Obama and the Congress. However, the perception — and to a large extent the reality — remains that Pakistan continues to come to the negotiating table with its suicide jacket on. If — and a mighty if that is — Obama can miraculously manage to talk Pakistan’s establishment out of its delusional belief in its zero-sum regional policy, that alone may be sufficient to earn him immortality in history. Alas, the mid-term defeat has shattered Obama’s walking-on-water myth. He, therefore, will remain engaged with India, the Central Asian Republics and even Iran, as the counterpoise to Pakistan. The Pakistani establishment obviously does not like this scenario and that is the catch-22 for the US. …
To read full article : Daily Times