Tag Archives: Sindh’s demands

Sindh: The new epicenter of global stability

Sarrows of Sindh – Demands of Minority Provinces finally being Heard in US Policy Advisory Institutions!

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA

The 11th Session UN Human Rights Council that began on June 2, 2009 will end on June 19, 2009. The focus of this session is protection and promotion of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social, and cultural, including right to development. Although, since the last elections, the political, social and civil rights in Pakistan have somewhat improved, much needs to be done for our cultural, economic, and right to achieve development. More information on this session can be obtained by visiting http://www2. ohchr.org/ english/bodies/ hrcouncil/ 11session/ agenda.htm.

The over due demand of Sindh and other minority provinces remains un-fulfilled. The economic conditions in Sindh, particularly in rural areas remain critical. Thousands of schools remain closed and poverty has disrupted millions of lives. The Pakistan radio and television continues to ignore Sindhi language and Sindhi cultural programs in its programming. The laws pertaining to the promotion of Sindhi language continue to be flouted in government and private institutions and businesses.

Our struggle to achieve cultural, economic and provincial autonomy rights must continue unabated. We cannot lower our guard just because few Sindhis have become prominent in the federal government. The results so far are not very encouraging as the governments at both the federal and provincial level are only paying lip service to Sindhi rights. In these critical times, it is heartening to know that Mr. Munawar Laghari, a well-known Sindhi Rights activist, will be once again talking about sorrows of Sindh including its cultural and economic plight at the 11th UN session of Human Rights. He has published an array of the following five highly pertinent articles in issue 2 of Sindh Monitor, which will be distributed at the 11th session:

1. “Sindh: The new epicenter of global stability” by Dilshad Bhutto (Senior). 2. “Oil and Gas Resources and Rights of Provinces: A case study of Sindh” by Naseer Memon. 3. “Sindh: A Land of Tolerance” by Manzoor Chandio. 4. “Eroding Religious Harmony” by Salam Dharejo. 5. “Demands of Minority Provinces finally being Heard in US Policy Advisory Institutions” by Khalid Hashmani.

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Joint Declaration – National Consultative Conference of Sindhi People -Hosted by Awami Tahreek, in Hyderabad

R.B. Palijo

Khalid Hashmani, USA

In my view, the declaration below reflects sentiments of most Sindhis…

Joint Declaration – National Consultative Conference of Sindhi People -Hosted by Awami Tahreek, in Hyderabad.

We the political activists, intellectuals, writers, women activists, civil society members, farmers, teachers, media, representatives of the different professional organizations and the people of Sindh unanimously declare that Sindh has been thrown at the mercy of urban terrorists, cruel feudal and myopic establishment of Pakistan. Cities of Sindh are being treated as conquered territory, rural areas have been converted into feudal fiefdoms and natural resources of Sindh are being exploited as colonial subject. Sindhis have been deprived of their right to rule and reduced into no entity while taking decision on matters pertaining to the province. Though state institutions do exist but they serve the interests of establishment, feudal, terrorists, anti Sindh forces and the Punjab dominated federation of Pakistan.

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