Southern Expressway extension from Matara to Hambantota to open for public in August


The extension of Southern Expressway from Matara to Hambantota is scheduled to be vested with public by next August, a Road Development Authority official said.

Project Director K. W. Kandambi has said that 85% of that section is completed, when a team of observers from national television toured the area to check the progress of the final stage of the project.

The 96km extension from Matara to Hambantota consists of four main sections, namely, Section one of 30km from Matara to Beliatta, Section two of 26km from Beliatta to Wetiya, Section three of 15km from Wetiya to Andarawewa, and Section four of 25km from Hambantota to Mattala via Andarawewa.

The television team toured the 26km second section from Beliatta to Wetiya. This section of the road include Kasawela and Agunakolapelessa interchanges.

The total cost of the project is Rs. 242 billion. Rs. 103.3 billion would be spent for the first stage of the project, while Rs.55.2 billion and Rs.31.5 billion would be spent for the second and third stages, respectively. The fourth and final stage of the project was estimated to cost Rs.52.2 billion.

All four sections of the 24.4m wide expressway are being built by Chinese companies, with China State Construction Engineering Corporation under the supervision of local engineers.

The new service sites are being constructed in the Beliatta area. In addition, utilizing the balance of the money, access roads to the interexchange centres are also being completed, Project Director Kandambi said.


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