Cold Fusion – Another Clean Energy Breakthrough That Could Change Our World

Cold fusion is a certain type of nuclear reaction that occurs at or near room temperature. In years past, it was studied as theoretical and hypothetical, but scientists all over the world have attested to the possibility, and possible reality of cold fusion and the tremendous implications it can have for  clean energy generation. It is a form of energy generated when hydrogen interacts with various metals like nickel and palladium. It has been subject to a large amount of criticism and opposition.

Many scientists have confirmed its reality, and many remain very skeptical.

Cold fusion, like free energy  would eliminate the entire energy industry. No more oil, no more anything. To be honest, in my opinion free energy is real. This alone would eliminate the need for cold fusion. Either way, both are extremely important.

Cold fusion is not a conspiracy, hundreds of people in over 12 countries have been investigating the process with success. Thousands of papers have been published and are available for review at

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