Category Archives: Economy

Development of Sindh: Shallow Promises

– Mushtaq Rajpar

PPP ruled Sindh government is about to present third budget of their tenure. Be ready for new promises, pledges and schemes. Are you interested listening and read all that? What did Sindh government achieved in the current outgoing fiscal year 2009-10?

People of Sindh want to know. Can Sindh government publish a Development Review or Economic Review and inform the public on state of economy, development and projects announced last year in the budget.

Rs 113 billion were allocated for development, including Rs 16 billion by federal government. How much actually has been achieved?

Newspapers report suggest development funds were not utilized more than 42%. This is height of negligence and ineptness of an elected government. Sindh continues to live in backwardness; people live under hard socio-economic conditions.

Budget 2009-10

· Rs. 113 development out lay included Rs 75 billion ADP: Where did this money go?

· The federal government was to be asked to settled the issue of Rs204 billion arrears of GST on services. Did they get arrears back?

· Rs. 2 billion were allocated for Thar Coal Development

Thar Coal Politics

Conflicting News about Thar Coal in Business Recorder – Thar Coal Politics

by: Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA

The politics surrounding the Thar Coal continues to confound Sindhis and other Pakistanis. Only two days ago (May 21), the newspaper Business Recorder, which is published from Karachi, said that the World Bank had withdrawn support for the Thar Coal project. Today, comes another story in the same newspaper saying that the World Bank will support the Thar Coal project. It seems that there is some manipulation going on once again in an attempt to gain control for the central government over this important asset of Sindh.

It must be noted that other than oil and gas, where Pakistani constitution requies shared control, Coal is exclusively under provincial jurisdiction.

Continue reading Thar Coal Politics

Collective Volunteerism: An Approach that May Work to Rebuild Pakistan

by K. Ashraf

Social, cultural, economic and political problems are growing in leaps and bounds in Pakistan on daily basis. The situation is so fluid no one can really predict the events of next moment. Is there going to be a suicide bombing, or sniper attack, or some other devastating accident, no one really knows. Fear, desperation, and helpless are the real rulers of Pakistan.

The other day the world press simultaneously broadcasted two news: One out of Mogadishu Somalia and the other from Swat Pakistan. A suicide bomber killed 20 people offering prayers in a mosque in Mogadishu . Another suicide bomber killed 11 people in Swat in Pakistan.

Is Pakistan any better than Somalia ? Perhaps, it is. Somalia does not have a government where as Pakistan does. However, Pakistani government is not any better than non-existent government in Somalia.

Like there is no government in Somalia to control the things there is a government in Pakistan but like Somalia it does not control anything. Pakistani government is nothing, but a herd of incompetent individuals who know how to boast but do not know how to deliver. There incompetence, or lack of desire to deliver, is further complicating the matters.

Pakistan is a country of one hundred and seventy million people. With several large size cities with completely broken life supporting systems, Pakistan is worse than Somalia . One can see horrible scenes across the country every second and feel sorry for the people, but without any effect or impact on its purblind rulers.

President and Prime minister look more sort of jackasses not up to the job they are holding. They are creating more problems in the country through inappropriate actions instead of helping the country move out of shadows of miseries, death and destruction. They spend more time on blaming others than spending half the time on fixing Pakistan’s problems.

There is a parliament in the country. Common Pakistani folks describe it as a rubber stamp or the debating club of thieves and thugs which is not interested in solving peoples’ problems. Within last two years, they have not taken up any issue faced by the people of Pakistan.

Is there a way out for the people of Pakistan? What should they do to resolve their problems? How should they compensate government inadequacies? We suggest they should develop the habit of collective volunteerism. They should form committees at street and city levels to deal with their day to day problems. If they develop the mechanism of collective volunteerism in all communities throughout the country they may start solving their trivial problems. They can help each other fix their broken systems and improve the quality of life in their communities. If they become really organized they can do miracles.

In many countries, the common folks have done these miracles. The people of Pakistan are not any lesser than any other people. They can also rebuild the broken social, cultural, economic and political systems in their communities through collective volunteerism.

Pakistanis are great charity givers. They should erect system to pool in their charities to rebuild the broken systems.

With every thing falling apart, may be collective volunteerism is the approach that may help Pakistanis to rebuild their communities and improve their lives.

Courtesy: CRDP, May 2, 2010

Sindh’s rich Off-shore Oil and Gas Resources

Translation by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia


Once again, Ishak Soomro shares his research, concerns and warnings on another important natural resource of Sindh that remain largely unknown to the common people of Sindh. His bold article on the off-shore resources of Sindh was printed in Sindhi Daily Ibrat Feb 10, 2010.

According to the article, Pakistan Government has allotted 18 exploration licenses to five (5) multi-national oil companies. The awardees include British Petroleum (BP) which has a dubious record of spending its civil society commitments to please bureaucrats and local chieftains instead of improving conditions of local communities. Other companies include Italy-based ENI, Canadian company called Niko, and Pakistani companies OGDCL and PPL. Mostof these companies already operate on-shore oil and gas fields in Sindh and have checkered records on meeting the commitments on their already profitable on-land oil and gas producing fields. It must be noted that exploring off-shore fields poses greater risks to coastal communities as these activities often destroy livelihood of local fishing families.

Continue reading Sindh’s rich Off-shore Oil and Gas Resources

Loadshedding in Pakistan

Pakistan is facing the darkest period of its history. This is because of the improper management of different Governments of Pakistan. The government slogans of Food, Shelter and Employment seems to be invain.
The load shedding (Blackout) has emerged to be the greatest cause of trouble for the residents of Pakistan . It is observed that 1/3 of the day the electricity remains off. The residents can’t work properly, can’t sleep properly. Ultimately they remain disturbed in every walk of life. There is need to put forward our efforts for the betterment of this problem.

A Conversation with Ayesha Siddiqa in Toronto

World Sindhi Institute Presents A Conversation With AYESHA SIDDIQA Author of Military Inc., Inside Pakistan ’s Military Economy Monday April 19th, 2010, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, University of Toronto , Woodsworth College Residence, Room 20, “Today, the military’s hegemony in Pakistan is a reality…the military has penetrated the society, politics and the economy.” -Military Inc.

Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa is currently a Senior Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University ’s School of Advanced International Studies . She is the author of two books on defence decision-making and political economy of the military – Military Inc, Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy and Pakistan’s Arms Procurement and Military Buildup, 1979-99: In Search of a Policy. She did her doctorate from King’s College, London in 1996 and has worked on issues varying from military technology, defence decision-making, nuclear deterrence, arms procurement, arms production to civil-military relations in South Asia . She has also written commissioned papers on small arms and light weapons proliferation and problems of governance.


Sindh points out deviation from NFC criteria

Courtesy: Dawn

KARACHI: Sindh has lodged a formal protest with the federal government over what it termed deviation from the recommendations of the 7th National Finance Commission (NFC) Award, sources in the federal ministry of finance told Dawn.

The provincial government has complained that some key recommendations of the award relating to the multiple criteria and sales tax on services had been omitted from the President’s Order No 4 of 2010.

It has warned that if agreed amendments were not incorporated in the order Sindh might decide to distance itself from the award, sources maintained.

Continue reading Sindh points out deviation from NFC criteria

Enough is enough : WE WANT CHANGE NOW!

I call on people to hold government responsible.

by: Ali Nawaz Memon, Gaithersburg, Maryland

For too long we have complained but have taken little practical steps to hold our government responsible. By this I mean elected officials– President; Prime Minister; ministers; MNAs; MPAs; secretaries; DCOs; police chiefs; all the way down to clerks and all others who have oppresses and neglected people.

We have waited too long. Waited for election of our own parties and personally known ministers. Not much has happened. OUR RULERS KNOW THAT WE DO NOT HAVE POLITICAL OPTIONS AND WE SHALL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION. But enough is enough.

Let us have an active people who are doers. I urge you to unite at local; district; province and national level.

Let us start by supporting good people in the forthcoming local body elections. Forget about which party they are from. Vote for good people who will work for welfare of our people. Judge individual candidates on basis of atleast what they have done to:





You can add more criteria as applicable in your area.

This morning I have watched a tragic video about what is happening to our people whose lands are producing most of oil and gas of our country. The video shows that disease and poverty has increased for those who are giving millions to our country. SHAME ON OUR GOVERNMENT WHO IS NOT ABLE TO SHARE THE WEALTH WITH LOCAL PEOPLE. The link of the video is given below:

Continue reading Enough is enough : WE WANT CHANGE NOW!

Reinventing Pakistan – by Pervez Hoodbhoy

Courtesy: dawn

PAKISTAN is not a nation although it has been a state since 1947. Missing is a strong common identity, mental makeup, shared sense of history and common goals. The failure to effectively integrate flows from inequalities of wealth and opportunity, absence of effective democracy and a dysfunctional legal system.

Continue reading Reinventing Pakistan – by Pervez Hoodbhoy

23rd March Pakistan day: Common Peoples’ Pakistan v/s Military Inc. Pakistan

Govt say, it doesn’t have money and it need  money for the corruption.

The Generals of the seventh biggest army of the world say, they are not servant but military Inc. and they only protect their interests first.

Source –

via –


by Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan

Please click here to watch Thar desert and the poor conditions of people
Thar means desert, barren and full of sand and mud heaps and mountains. Its history is very old and unaccountable. It starts from Badin at the Western and Southern side from Mirpur Khas at its Northern side, At its eastern side, it is the Indian territory .The last town at the Eastern Southern side is Nangar Parkar.



By Dr Ali AKbar Dhakan, Karachi, Sindh

The importance of coal has been tremendously realized in the present times of scant resources of energy throughout our country. The quality of coal found in Sindh is one of the best, and sindh is endowed with enormous potential of coal resources.Unfortunately, the coal has not been fully explored and exploited to meet energy requirements with the result that the Country is facing shortage of energy supplies.When Sindh is endowed with huge good quality lignite coal deposits suitable for electric power generation and other applications.It constitutes around 98% of total coal deposits of the country. Historically, coal has been used as a major source of energy since centuries.The industrial revolution and enhanced use of electricity was also due to coal.


Save Indus river – with out it Sindh is lost

Following is the portion of Idrees Rajput’s article published in Sindhi Daily Kawish, dated June 26, 2009

The prosperity of Sindh is closely linked with Indus and it is apparently due to this reason, that Sindh is so sensitive, if anyone interferes with the Indus River. Indus water in the body of Sindh is considered as vital as blood is for a human body. So long the Indus was not interferes with, Sindh remained in healthy growth. Unfortunately two thick leeches (Indus links) were stuck very recently to the body of Indus when Sindh was not aware of them. Again the deterioration in the health of Sindh depends upon the sucking programme of these leeches. There is every danger that, if they suck too much, Sindh is liable to be turned in to a desert specially when these links are beyond the boundary of sindh, beyond its control of operation and even observation, very recently when we were short of water, the Taunsa-Panjand link was opened and the water was transferred from the Indus to the Tributary Zone and the water was transferred from the Indus to the Tributary Zone without regard to our historic rights of even basic allocations just to meet certain higher level of uses of the Punjab canals. It is mainly due to this reason that Sindh considers any misdirected or without effective control, operation of Indus links, so hazardous for its very survival.


By Dr Ali AKbar Dhakan

Every Pakistani has been happy and over joyous to hear the news of providing more share of finances to Balochistan and N.W.F.P at the cost of Sindh Province as Punjab did not surrender its share and got the same ratio of funds.It may also be kept in mind that Punjab has already been taking double quantum of finances because of its major representation in the federation as it belongs mostly to Punjab in case of employment in civilian and military or defence organizations and setup. Sindh produces more and generates more income but all income earned by Sindh province goes to federation providing a small chunk of resources from its income to Sindh by federation .The following paragraphs indicate the position in revenue contribution made by all Provinces of Pakistan and revenue recieved by them.

The position is apparent from the data shown by Dawn of November,22-2000. In 1997-98 Sindh contributed Rs.170 billion and the Punjab conributed only Rs.58 billion whereas Sindh recieved only Rs.23 billion and the Punjab recieved Rs.58 billion.During 2001-02 Sindh earned Rs.226 billion but the Punjab earned Rs.80 billion whereas during this year the Sindh got only Rs.32 billion but the Punjab got Rs.77 billion.In this way in the period of 5 years from from 1997-98 to 2001-02, Sindh got only 14% of its shares whereas the Punjab got 94% from all the resources or finances .Now, one can understand how the Sindh province has been deprived of its resources and suffered from all evils of poverty, hunger, deprivation, diseases and socio-economic disorder particularly during the regimes of dictators .People of Sindh have always been neglected not from its resources but from the rights its employment, equal treatment in filling up the posts of heads organizations, banks, departments, corporations etc even in this regime of PPP as the Prime Minister belongs to the Punjab and as not been giving due weightage to the people of Sindh province as the President of Pakistan belonging to Sindh has been caught in the net of propaganda and uncertainity .

Continue reading Pakistan : NFC AWARD PUNJAB STILL USURPER

Punjab seeks lion’s share from so called federal pool of NFC, ..earned from resources of Sindh

The demand for new NFC

By Khalid Hashmani, McLean

Pakistani newspaper reported that ANP-led provincial government of NWFP will pursue a new NFC Award Formula based on multi-factors. Their proposed formula will give weight to “Population”, “Poverty”, “Infrastructure” and “Presence of Afghan refugees“. I would recommend that the NFC formula be enhanced to include “Revenue Collection” and “Presence of all refugees/migrants from other provinces and countries”. I believe that this enhanced formula would be fair to all provinces as it will not only meet unique requirements of each province but also help the poverty-stricken and backward areas to overcome these deficiencies.

Continue reading Punjab seeks lion’s share from so called federal pool of NFC, ..earned from resources of Sindh

Sindhi NGOs/other Organizations Need to show Initiative and Drive

Khalid Hashmani

Where are the Sindhi Organizations when other Pakistani NGOs showcase their Wares?

By: Khalid Hashmani

October 2009 — Washington, D.C. has seen many visitors from Pakistani NGOs in the last two weeks. They were here to secure funding for their pet projects under the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009. A State Department official commented that no final decision has been made whether the new assistance will be channeled mainly through the Pakistani Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) or through the traditional way through USAid department with focus on government-to-government transactions. The Pakistani NGOs, some in collaboration with their US partners showcasing their capabilities and marketing their expertise. The irony is that none of these organizations have any roots in Sindh or Balochistan, where Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the lowest in the world. None of the NGOs officials making presentations had any abilities in the Sindhi and Balochi languages; much of their focus was securing projects in Sindh. A presenter even commented that the Punjab Government does not want much privatization of their public education system. Many in the local Washington Sindhi community are fearful that just as Islamabad government officials have not been fair in distribution of resources to Sindh and Balochistan, so will these Islamabad-based NGOs would divert major portion of the new US funding for their pet projects at the cost of Sindh and Balochistan. In order to ensure that such malicious designs do not succeed, this article provides information about these NGOs, about their claims that they are already running many private schools, health centers, and micro finance projects in Sindh. It is hoped that people of Sindh and Balochistan would be diligent and help verify whether or not such claims are true. Further, in the event that non-Sindhi organizations do win major projects in Sindh, Sindhis ought to monitor their performance and report on any discrepancies to ensure that true beneficiaries of the funds allocated to any projects in Sindh would be Sindhis.

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Unlikely Scenario?

By B. R. Gowani


10% is the official unemployment rate

Nor is the unofficial rate too great:

The Economy is on a downward slide

And by now, people’s hopes have died

So all of the employed make a plan

To join the jobless; to form a clan

They declare a total general strike

To break the rulers’ disparity-dyke

Most dependent is the capitalist class

That forms a part of the exploiting brass

To maintain the greatest democracy façade

They appealed calmly while hiding the rod

Patriotism, nationalism, enemy, and flag

The usual bull shit were used to gag

But the people have really united this time

And are in no mood to join the elite’s chime

Continue reading Unlikely Scenario?

Pakistan, India & Bangladesh : South Asian train service proposal

Pakistan’s nod for South Asian train service proposal

Islamabad: Pakistan’s Railways Ministry has “technically approved” an Indian proposal to launch a South Asian train service linking Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan and forwarded it to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Commerce for further evaluation. The proposal was floated by the Indian Railways two weeks ago, the Dawn quoted officials as saying. Experts had acknowledged the potential of the South Asian route and they see it as “more easy to operate,” the officials said. The three countries have broad gauge tracks and their operating systems are similar. Officials of the Railways Ministry said experts had suggested that the Dhaka-Delhi-Lahore train service was “viable in all respects.” The service could be extended to Karachi or Islamabad if the need arose, they said. “The initial trials would be container operations followed by passenger services,” said a report prepared by experts. The Indian proposal came in the backdrop of reports that the Economic Cooperation Organization planned to launch an Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul train service.

Source – The weekly Contact, Sept 16-22, 2009, issue- 318

Capitalism is evil, says Michael Moore

Capitalism is evil,” says new Michael Moore film

Courtesy: YahooNews, Sun Sep 6, 11:58 AM

By Mike Collett-White

VENICE (Reuters) – Capitalism is evil. That is the conclusion U.S. documentary maker Michael Moore comes to in his latest movie “Capitalism: A Love Story,” which premieres at the Venice film festival Sunday. Blending his trademark humor with tragic individual stories, archive footage and publicity stunts, the 55-year-old launches an all out attack on the capitalist system, arguing that it benefits the rich and condemns millions to poverty. “Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil,” the two-hour movie concludes. “You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy.”

Continue reading Capitalism is evil, says Michael Moore

Only Sindhis have rights over Thar Coal

– Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia

A news item under title “Only Sindhis have rights over Thar Coal” in Sindhi interestingly is published in web magazine “WICHAAR”. This magazine, although focused on the promotion of Punjabi and culture, has been remarkable in promoting Sindhi language and bringing Sindhi and Punjabi communities closer to each other. THe news item describes a recent demonstration in Hyderabad Sindh in which demonstrations strongly criticized federal government’s action to take over the management of huge coal deposits in Thar area of Sindh. The demonstrations also demanded that ownership of all natural resources found in Sindh including oil, gas, and coal belong to the people of Sindh.

The full article can be accessed at following link:

Sindh: Call for New Constitution

R.B. Palijo

Courtesy: Daily Dawn Karachi, Sindh August 14, 2009

HYDERABAD: Validity of 1973 Constitution has come to an end due to continuous undemocratic interventions, extra-constitutional amendments and its inherent flaws. The current constitution could not resolve the intra-state political and economic conflicts, Sindh political and civil society activists said here on Wednesday while initiating an effective discussion to design what they said a comprehensive list of demands acceptable to all. The 1973 Constitution should work for an interim period leading to a new constitution based on 1940 resolution through a new elected constituent assembly. That constitution would work as a new social contract among the federating units of Pakistan , they said.

Continue reading Sindh: Call for New Constitution

A call for the people of Sindh – Let us March to Islamabad on the first meeting of NFC

by: Javed Qazi, Sindh

A new National Finance Commission has been announced. Ishaq Dar has been nominated by the Punjab government to represent them. And from Sindh it is our Kaiser Bengali. It is a constitutional requirement that every five years such committee sits to set the criteria of distributing the revenues from the central pool that goes to the provinces.

The fact is that it was simply a formality sort of exercise if ever previously has been done and the criteria is always the population based. Hence Sindh receives very dismal vis a vis the amount of revenues it generates. Where as Punjab receives the more than it generates.

Not only that the eighty percent of the employees that work in the federation are from Punjab . The very federation is located in the Punjab and any development that takes place in the federal Capital, its benefits go more to the Punjab . The population of the capital has its 80 percent people from Punjab .

Even the taxes that are provincial in nature and characteristic if gauge it under the rule of law, constitutionalism for the matter under 1973 constitutions, such right has also been usurped by the central government.

If this is the spectrum it implies that Punjab and the federation is same and no one can form the government in the federation without having a support of the institutions which have predominantly a Punjab ’s representatives.

Continue reading A call for the people of Sindh – Let us March to Islamabad on the first meeting of NFC

Thar coal

ECONOMIC-AND- BUSINESS REVIEW – Thar coal: concerns of local community

By Zulfiqar Halepoto, Hyderabad, Sindh

Courtesy: Daily Dawn, Monday, 03 Aug, 2009

ON July 27, a three-member team of the World Bank experts on coal and mining visited Thar coal fields and met the representatives of civil society organisations and the local community. The team also visited village Thario Halepoto near Islamkot, Tharparker.

Continue reading Thar coal

Rain brings smiles to Thar Desert in Sindh

Rain brings smiles to Thar Desert people after three years of successive drought.

By: Gulab Rai,Islamkot, Thar, Sindh

From the first week of July 09 heavy rains have been falling on the whole of Thar Desert in Sindh province of Pakistan. Soon after the rainfall people have started ploughing their land and sowing seeds of traditional crops of bajra (millet) and guwar (cluster beans) in all the four talukas of Thar.

Continue reading Rain brings smiles to Thar Desert in Sindh

Films are indicators of future economic and political scenarios

WASHINGTON DIARY: The film factor

by: Dr Manzur Ejaz, USA

Courtesy:, July 7th, 2009

A reinvigorated film industry will not only provide jobs to hundreds of thousands of people, it will also be a major source of foreign exchange earnings because of the large expatriate community living in Europe and North America. Most of the time the entertainment industry, particularly films, are early indicators of future economic and political scenarios. From Hollywood and Bollywood to poor Lollywood, all film industries give very good indications of things to come. Lollywood’s annihilation and Bollywood’s expansion tell the story of two competing countries.

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