Sindh`s Share In NFC

By Dr Ali Akbar M. Dhakan, Karachi, Sindh

It is a common fact that “Sindh`s finances continue to remain plagued with the chronic problem of matching expenditures with inadequate and uncertain availability of resources”.

In the face of such circumstances why other provinces have not sympathy with this neglected and over burdened province where atleast 20 million people of other provinces of Pakistan are living in Sindh province particularly in Karachi.These outsiders possess lucrative jobs, posts, bussiness, transport and other facilities earning a lot and send their earned incomes to their living places/provinces without paying any duty or tax to the Sindh province.This over burden has caused un-employment, poverty and other inhuman conditions to the local people of Sindh province.The Justice therefore demands that the share of budget of these outsiders may be allocated to the province of Sindh so that the expenditure on the development and other infrastructural facilities in whole Sindh can be met as their social right and not as a begging bowl from the faderal Government as well as other provinces.In NFC award, the factor of these migrations from within and outside country may also be given due and sympathetic considerations and an equivalent number of jobs may be offered to the Sindh people in the other provinces of Pakistan which is the constitutional task of the Faderal Government to adopt justifiable polices for all provinces.

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