Balochistan legend rejects talks with Pakistan

by Ahmar Mustikhan

SINDH- KARACHI: The father of the Balochistan liberation movement has said the Baloch people have been pushed to the wall and there is no way out for them but to fight back against the Pakistani occupation of their homeland.

Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri, 81 – a legend in his lifetime – in an interview said the Baloch have been left with no choice but to pick up arms in self defense.

He said he would ask each and every Baloch to live like a common man during daylight, “but after dusk turn into a lightening thunder against the enemy.”

The veteran leader said announcement of packages by Islamabad can no longer solve the burning issue of Balochistan as the struggle of the Baloch people have advanced far beyond any such eyewash by Islamabad.

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