N.C.P.S.L. Ministry of H.R.D. Govt. of India Department of Sindhi, University of Mumbai cordially invite you at an International Seminar on ‘Sindhyat, Essence of Secularism’ on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009, at 11.00 A.M., at
Marathi Bhasha Bhavan, Kalina Campus, Mumbai – 400 098 Shri S.C. Jamir, His Excellency, Governor of Maharashtra, has kindly consented to inaugurate Dr. Vijay Khole Vice-Chancellor, University of Mumbai will preside over the inaugural function. Ram Jethmalani, Member of Parliament will be the Chief Guest, Ram A. Panjwani, Vice-Chairman, NCPSL, Niranjan Hiranandani Managing Director, Hiranandani Constructions, Anita Bhatnagar Jain Joint Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Dr. Gurmukh Jagwani MLC, Maharashtra, Nanik Rupani Chairman, Neutron Electronics Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pahlaj Nihalani President, Assoc. of Motion Pictures & TV Prog. Producers Mangharam Sipahimalani, Chief Editor, Weekly ‘Hindvasi’ Sindhi, Dr. Saghir Shaikh Chairman, World Sindhi Congress, U.S.A. Dr. Valeed Shaikh President, Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) will grace the seminar as Guests of Honour. R.S.V.P. Dr. Baldev B. Matlani Head, Department of Sindhi, University of Mumbai, Mumbai – 400 098, Tel. 022 – 2652 6388, Dr. Manoharlal B. Matlani Director, Natioanl Council for Promotion of Sindhi Language, Ministry of Human Resource Development, West Block VII, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110 066.
Note: You are requested to please take your seats before 10.30 A.M
I am really surprised with the list of VIP. The list should have included personalities from Education, Culture and from Liturature. We sindhis live in urban envoirment consequently are the part of cosmopolitien culture which puts even more emphasis on our language. I hope that NCPSL will recify the mistake.
Moreover as the agenda is secularism why writers from Sindh were not invited ?