Tag Archives: failed state

No hope on the horizon for Pakistan’s myriad problems

Author: Sajjad Ashraf

Pakistan is in a state of discord. Its civilian governance structure is becoming corrupt and oligarchic. Its façade of democratic order belies a more tawdry reality characterised by money, patronage and cronyism, in which parliament exists to enhance the privileges of the few.
Pakistan’s problems are long-standing, rooted in governance failures, with the resultant erosion of state authority. 2014 was no different in this respect.
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When a state is dysfunctional

By: Abbas Nasir

WHO knows what a failed state is? Such definitions are for the academics and experts. But what one can easily ascertain is a state that is dysfunctional.

For what would you call a state that has neither the power to generate resources and tax those who need to be taxed, nor the system or even the need to ensure that it accounts for what it spends? It can keep piling up a huge deficit without question and have nothing to show for it.

What would you call a state that cannot deliver the very least: the safety of life and limb to its citizens? Where if you particularly happened to be in the smaller provinces the only thing you could get by on is your faith. Yes, God remains the only recourse.

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India – A Failed State?

The Failed State: India most at risk

This year, Bharat (aka India) has achieved the ignominious and unenviable distinction of being the state most at risk of failure. In many ways, Bharat has failed already, as the government lacks control of large tracks of the country. The loose coalition of various parties has led a corrupt and incompetent cabal of politicians that controls capital. Large tracks of Bharati territory are not in control of the Federal government. The government is not in control of the Naxalites, Kashmir, Assam and the states known as “The Seven Sisters“. The government troops have been routed and cannot control various states. The fighting has produced a clear victor–and it is not the Indian government. The country’s caste ethnic, and religious chaos continues unabated in the unruly states, while militants stalk the jungles and remote areas. The fighting has successfully produced is a refugee nightmare, with thousands homeless in Gujarat.

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World cannot afford a ‘failed’ Pakistan: Powell

Courtesy: Times of India
April 4th, 2009
WASHINGTON: Pakistan cannot be allowed to disintegrate into a failed state as it will be a risk to Europe and the rest of the world, former US chief of defence staff, General Colin Powell has said.

“It’s a risk to Europe, it’s a risk to the rest of the world, because we cannot allow al Qaeda to grow in an environment of chaos in that part of the world,” Powell, the former US Secretary of State said.

Implying that if Pakistan failed, so will Afghanistan, Powell said: “We can’t allow Pakistan to fail and we don’t want Afghanistan to fail”.

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