Demographic explosions, Sindh and strategic vision

by: Prof. Aftab Kazi, PhD (Pittsburgh)

Please note: The writer is HEC (Higher Education Commission) Foreign Professor, FCS, National Defense University of Pakistan.

..In my opinion, despite the demographic dilemmas, the situation in Sindh can be managed in short-term to be controlled in long term. Not through the kind of political activism of a nationalist/ sub-nationalist nature, but by the government of Sindh, if it has the will and strategic vision, because politics is often in fluid; hence subjected to constant change. Unfortunately y the Sindh Government and cohorts lacl strategic vision, just like most, if not all Sindhi politicians did during 1950s. Migrations and demographic explosions are common to every society cross-continentaly. Wise societies and civilizations have attempted to incorporate demographic changes to their advantage by implementing specific political socialization processes through certain policy mechanisms. Why politicians in the Sindh government are holding up from introducing Sindhi language and Culture as a compulsory part of the curriculum for all Sindhis and non-Sindhi speakers, aimed at incorporating all newer elements within the societal mainstream? Pathans won’t object to this and by now, under the constantly changing demographic environment MQM is likely to approve albeit with some short-term hesitation. This political socialization mechanism, if adapted, could be the insurance for Sindhis that they will not converted into a minority by naturalizing all non-Sindhis within their cultural fold.

Of course, this is likely to create some new elite that at least in the short-run is likely to challenge the hold of the exhausted and outdated feudalist elite. In the long run, not mere hot words from mouth, but such new political socialization processes are likest to break the stronghold of feudalism as well. Concurrent violent political actions and activism on the contrary are likely to lead towards the most feared about disastrous situation.

In Islamabad, I live relatively closer to the establishment viewpoints. I have sensed that under the current domestic and region wide hostile circumstance s, perceptions of those close to the establishment are fast changing, this time in favor of the minority provinces. Every one realizes that provincial rights must be respected for stronger Pakistan. The concurrent militancy in NWFP and foreign funded insurgencies elsewhere gradually seem to be replacing the exhausted old perceptions. At least for now, I have sensed a very strong urge for political equilibrium in thinking, unless the concurrent realization will be eroded by another selfish coup-maker. The point is that Sindhis must awaken their sleepy politicians, making them realize their inefficiency and greed. All of them must be rejected to the point, yet with a consolidated effort to bring along some relatively more efficient politicians to fill vacuum.

In fact, we need a new charismatic leadership like once we had in Saheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who had the wit, courage and vision to seek promises from people atending his jalsas: Bhutto used to ask “Kaam karoge”; masses replied in unisance “Karenge” . Several such exampes are attributed o Bhutto. Alas, he was judiciously murdered. We need him more today than ever. People are people and very intelligent. They hate cheating leaders, but establish lifetime bonds with most trusted and cherished ones. Sindhis this moment lack such a leadership. However, whatsoever is around, masses need to shake their sleepy minds, even conscience.

Source- Above article has published at several Sindhi lists.

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