Schools for education not for business!

The historic educational institution of Sindh rented by the Rangers

Nur Muhammad hostel rented out
by Qazi Bashir Ahmed, Hala, Sindh
The writer can be reached at
As if occupying school buildings on the pretext of non availability of accommodation was not enough that now the Rangers have begun doing business by even renting out these buildings to private parties as reported in national dailies.

Noor Muhammad High School ‘ is one of the historic educational institutions of Sindh which was established with the sole efforts of a great educationist Mr. Noor Muhammad, who by profession was an Advocate.

Mr. Noor Muhammad who graduated from Aligarh , inspired from the Anglo-Muhammadan Oriental College established by Sir Sayed Ahmed, envisioned similar institution in Sindh. For fulfilling his dream he traveled every nook corner of sub-continent and collected funds from the philanthropists. By early 1920’s he was able to build in the heart of Hyderabad, then Sindh’s most beautiful city, not only a high class school with best education facilities but also constructed a grand hostel to provide lodging and boarding for the students coming from rural areas at nominal cost.
This school has served the country especially Sindh by producing numerous eminent persons who have made name in every walk of life. Unfortunately hostel of the same seat of learning has been occupied by the Rangers and at present a part of it been rented out to a builder thus depriving thousands of the poor students for the last two decades.
Although education, being on government’s lowest priorities has declined on the whole but sad part is that it is the province of Sindh which has been the worst sufferer. Not only the highest number of ghost schools i.e. about 9000 as reported in the papers are located in the province but many school buildings and their hostels situated in the big cities such as Karachi and Hyderabad are occupied by the Rangers.
The occupation of Nur Muhammad High School Hostel and renting out its portion to some private party by the Rangers illegally is a great challenge to the civil society of Hyderabad . The Chief Minster, Education Minster Sindh as well as Distrcit Nazim are requested, not only to get the hostel vacated but the Rangers may also be required to explain for the illegal act of giving public property on rent.
Courtesy and Thanks: Daily Dawn, 16.2.2009

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