Years Will Come And Go, My Sindh Will Go On Forever And Forever

Poetry by Ahmed Makhdoom

Years will come and, years will go,

Decades will come and, decades will go,

Millenniums will come and, millenniums will go,

Mortals will come and, mortals will go,

My Sindhrree will go on forever and forever!

My motherland will glitter forever and forever!

Today, an old year has left us and a new year is born,

And, I pray to Great Lord, Beloved, Master of my soul;

But, wait! Me, a tiny drop; Thee, Vast Ocean Supreme!

Tiny I am, qualified I am not; Sinner I am, impure I feel;

My murshid is most qualified – my teacher, my guide;

Lord! Me, a wretched being, Bhittai is Thy friend indeed!

Karachi mastermind arrested before blast?

Police arrested mastermind 10 days before Karachi blast?

LAHORE: An alleged mastermind of the Youm-e-Ashur blast in Karachi was arrested 10 days before the incident, which implies that police had prior knowledge of the suicide bombing, as the accused had revealed all details of the plans and the explosives to investigators, a private TV channel reported on Thursday. The information could be have been used to prevent the Youm-e-Ashur blast. The alleged mastermind – Sirajullah alias Zeeshan – was arrested on December 17, the channel reported. He is under the custody of Karachi police’s special investigation unit. Police neither made the arrest public nor presented the culprit in any court so far. Courtesy: daily times monitor.\story_1-1-2010_pg7_8
