Vegetable named Lettuce has been found to be effective for anxiety, muscle relaxation, joint pain, headache and insomnia. It also may decrease restless leg syndrome.
Tag Archives: Insomnia
Complain of depression
If you have complain of depression, irritability, insomnia, digestive problem, forgetfulness, thirst of water all the time, and blurred vision then try not to consume sugar and sugar products, cacke and cookies products (cut off refine carbohydrates from the meals) and eat washed fresh leafy green vegetables and fruits. It may help in above symptoms.
Kidney Problems
Symptoms: Snoring, Bed-wetting, Urinary problems, Lower back pain, Swelling of legs, Getting up too early or too late, Getting up to urinate in the night, Sleeping problems such as turning again and again in sleep, Insomnia, Nightmares, Nausea, Vomiting, Drowsiness, Mental & psychological symptoms and disorders, for example: fear, timidity, shyness, hesitation, indecision, lack of clarity, etc, Decline of mental & physical vitality.
Signs: Darkness or blackness on the skin under the eyes shows kidney stagnation and toxic blood as a result of tight kidneys. Bags under the eyes show kidney problems. The ears are kidney-shaped and also correspond with these organs. Pimples on ear may the sign of kidney problem. A red coloration around the outer edge of the ear shows the kidneys are swollen from too much sugar, dairy, fruit and juices. Too much animal protein can lead to moles or warts on the ear. Wet or dump hands show over burdened kidneys and bladder.
Solution: (These suggestions may help you) Eat whole grain, no refined carbohydrates (NO » Sugar, honey, chocolate, rice, White flour products). Eat fish and raw fresh washed vegetables and fruits. Control High blood pressure and cholesterol. Take vitamin B-comples 25 mg, vitamin C 250 mg everyday, vitamin E 200 IU, or multi-minerals and multi-vitamins every day. Add garlic, ginger, onion, turmeric and yogurt in your food. Drink black or green tea without milk and sugar. Drink clean crystal clear fresh water in moderate amount.