AHRC-FAT-006-2009 June 11, 2009
An article from the University Teachers For Human Rights – UTHR J (Jaffna ) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission
A Special Report (No. 32) of the University Teachers For Human Rights – UTHR J (Jaffna )
SRI LANKA: A Marred Victory and a Defeat Pregnant with Foreboding
We give below the summary of this report. The reference to the full report is also provided.
This report covers key issues arising from the recently concluded war. It begins by examining current political prospects, and then moves on to a sketch of the last two months of the war primarily from the standpoint of civilians. While being frank about the LTTE’s cynical use of civilians, the report raises questions about the Government’s relentless move to crush the LTTE leadership while placing the civilians it held hostage at unacceptable risk. It examines humanitarian and human rights issues, the detention of the doctors who served with courage in the No-Fire-Zone, questions about the fate of the injured left behind and moral questions arising from the action against the LTTE leadership and the fate of Prabhakaran’s family. The report closes with a warning, noting the danger posed by the present government behaving increasingly like a replica of the LTTE, and makes some recommendations that UTHR(J) believes would be profitable at this juncture. The report and its recommendations emphasize two aspects in particular: the need for urgent measures to address the concerns of the recently displaced living in camps and to secure accountability of the state to ensure the due rights of its citizens.
The full report may be found at: http://www.uthr.org/SpecialReports/spreport32.htm
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About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984. The above statement has only been forwarded by the AHRC.
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I think it is better for the reader to know……
oUTHR(Jaffna) group consists of a few (less than 10; related to each other) cousins from Somasundaram-Hoole Family
oNone of the members are currently attached to Sri Lankan Universities?
oAll of them are happily and peacefully living among Sinhalese South?
If you want to know whether the elite Tamils were partially responsible for the Tamil Chuvanism please read an article by another Tamil (Mr. Sebastian Rasalingam)