What is in Sindh’s interest?

By Ali Nawaz Memon

A debate is going on if the lawyers march is in Sindhi interest. This raises a simple question in my SIMPLE mind. What is in Sindhi interest?

Some have argued that some elements of Sindh have fooled people of Sindh for too long in the name of being Sindhi. For example:

1. Corrupt Sindhi officials from Secretaries, DC, SP police down to clerks and policemen. They dare not touch powerful Sindhi individual or non-Sindhis in Sindh. But they will charge every ordinary Sindhi. When some daring sindhi journalist speaks up against them, we try to protect our few remaining “sindhi officials”.

2. Corrupt landlords who regularly provide protection to thieves and dacoits. Most analysts tell us that law and order in Sindh is controlled and ruined in Sindh because of this group. Similarly, no one will dare to invest big amount in rural thanks to this group. Is it in Sindhi interest to protect these people?

3. Jagirdars and huge landowners who all got their lands for loyalty and pimping to British or subsequent brown babus. Should this jagirdari be abolished? We are afraid whether it will be in Sindhi interest.

4. Corrupt Sindhis politicians who are always available to join military governments. We have seen these individuals and families who have appeared and reappeared. They rob Sindhis and obey every command of their non Sindhi bosses. Is it in Sindhi interest to speak up and punish these “Sindhi leaders”?

5. Corrupt politicians who steal in every elected government, who charge for every appointment, posting and transfer, every award of public contract. Yes, every! We get tired of military rulers and are fooled by promises of democratic Sindhi politicians. But Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttos and Benazir Bhuttos of this world get murdered. But these democratic Sindhi politicians remain and behave exactly the same way as they did last time.

Will they save Sindh from Kalabagh or get larger NFC award for Sindh? Some think that larger resources when obtained in the name of Sindh, go to the pockets of their “friends”. Is it in Sindhi interest to protect them?

Yes, I know that 100% of officials, landlords or politicians do not fall in that category. But most or at least many do.