Coup d’états

By Javed Ahmed Qazi

The other day I heard Chief Justice of Pakistan, saying in his speech to the Bar in Rawalpindi, that Article 6 of the 1973 Constitution is very clear and it is for military coup which is treason against the state and for doer of such act, death sentence is an award of punishment. Eighteenth Amendment brings even more to it: No Court can validate it. …

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2 thoughts on “Coup d’états”

  1. No judge can uttered even a single word against Article 6 and in favor of the coup’ deta, however every judge except few always given legitimacy to every military action, so justice Iftikhar is not different. Aijaz

    1. it is academic, i would suggest, again.judges are not living in vacuum. if the society is well aware; first of al,l coup d’etat will not even be thought of and if its attempted, it will not materialise. but if it is not, take any judge of great integrity, he will succumb, either by giving his life or by resigning or he shall give it legitimacy.

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