Pakistani Women Organize Prayer Demonstration outside the United Nations

16th March 2010, Geneva: European Organization of Pakistani Minorities an International Independent NGO working for the minority rights for Pakistani’s organized a Peaceful prayer demonstration in front of the United Nations under the symbolic broken chair.

The prayer was organized with a presence of more than 100 women from different faiths who lit candles for the plight of Pakistani women, who have been killed, raped, and acid attacked. Their concern was for the women of Baluchistan and Gilgit Baltistan where women were arrested by officials and taken to torture camps where these women were raped and used as sex slaves. One such case is of Zarina Marri who is a 23 year school teacher from Quetta and is being used as a sex slave by security officials.

The organization urges the International Community to allow International Observers and Media to be freely allowed to visit Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan and meet those families whose family members have disappeared and no police case is being registered for their release. The organization also requests the United Nations to organize a Special Session on the plight of Pakistani Women at the Human Rights Council.

More information can be sought at the website:

For more information please contact

European Organization for Pakistani Christians

Tel: +32 2 808 6857

March 22, 2010

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