Learning difficulty

If your child has learning difficulty than cut off sugar (glucose products), candies and sugar products because sugar stimulate the brain like drugs and cause uncontrollable behaviours and focus problems. Eating washed fresh raw vegetables, fruits, seeds such as almonds, walnuts, etc and deep water fish may help to cut the problem.

Fatima Bhutto should calm down after BBs murder and think rationally

Sanam disputes Fatima’s views


As the last surviving child of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, I feel a sense of obligation to respond to some of the allegations made by my niece Fatima Bhutto in her recently published book Songs of Blood and Sword.

Continue reading Fatima Bhutto should calm down after BBs murder and think rationally

A Review of Fatima Bhutto’s Songs of Blood and Sword – By Saba Imtiaz

The Bhuttos and their books – By Saba Imtiaz

Courtesy: Afpak

Over the past four decades, the name Bhutto has come to symbolize — depending on which version of history you believe — Pakistan. It has become our lot in life to obsess over the Bhuttos, discuss their macabre deaths — Zulfikar was hanged, Shah Nawaz poisoned, Murtaza and Benazir shot — and wonder how many more Bhuttos will come to rule over Pakistan.

Continue reading A Review of Fatima Bhutto’s Songs of Blood and Sword – By Saba Imtiaz

Former ISI Khalid Khwaja found dead in Waziristan

Courtesy: dawn

ISLAMABAD: Former ISI official Khalid Khwaja’s body was found on the Miramshah-Mirali road in the North Waziristan tribal district on Friday, DawnNews reported. A group calling itself Asian Tigers claimed responsibility for the killing in a letter attached to the body.

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Chaos over Russian base rages through Ukraine’s parliament

KIEV: Opposition lawmakers hurled eggs and smoke bombs inside Ukraine’s parliament as the chamber approved an agreement allowing the Russian Navy to extend its stay in a Ukrainian port until 2042. Crowds of supporters and opponents scuffled outside the parliament building as deputies from newly elected Present Victor Yanukovich’s coalition approved a 25-year extension to the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s base in Crimea “Today will go down as a black page in the history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian parliament,” former premier Yulia Tymoshenko, no in opposition, told journalists inside parliament.

Ghost Schools In Sindh : Childern of Sindh have no luck

The documentary shows several ghost village schools in Mirpur Mathelo, Dadu, Obaro, and Badin, where the school buildings that are serving other purposes and for education. It is said there are now 5,000 such ghost schools. These schools exist on paper only as supposedly all teachers and other staff are receiving their salaries; the repair budget is being regularly spent in maintaining buildings; and students are being shown to be receiving education. But, in fact, no student is receiving any education at such schools.

The irony is that some of the schools reviewed in documentary are said to be in the villages where once families of many current and past ministers lived. The documentary mentions a school in the village of Pir Illahi Bux, who is the grandfather of current Sindh education Minister that has been closed for last nine yeas. A school village in the village of former Minister converted to a warehouse, and yet another school in the arae is in personal use of a wadera (feudal).

We have just become helpless bystanders watching this tragedy that unfolds in front of our eyes. Something has to be done, something must be done before generations of Sindhi boys and girls go without education. – (Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia)

Courtesy: GEO

Source – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCmREbwNN6s&feature=player_embedded

via – http://www.siasat.pk/forum/showthread.php?35015-Ghost-Schools-In-Sindh

Actress Kushboo wins sex case

BBC – Indian actress Kushboo wins pre-marital sex row

The judges said that even Hindu Gods Lord Krishna and Radha were co-habiting lovers

India’s Supreme Court has dismissed all cases against a Tamil actress who spoke in support of the right of women to have pre-marital sex.

Actress Kushboo was accused of outraging public decency and 22 cases were filed against her in 2005. Kushboo said she was “relaxed and relieved” after the court order.

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Food as a therapy

Food is not only tasty, full of nourishment but it is a powerful “drug” that makes you well or sick. Use garlic, onion and turmeric in your food. Use ginger (adrak). Ginger’s anti-inflammatory benefit come from phytonutrients called Xanthines. These Xanthines are cyclo-oxyenase (COX) enzymes that help digestive system work properly. Deep water fish, ginger, garlic, onion, turmeric and fresh washed leafy green vegetables and fruits all together help prevent heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, arthritis and so on. Many foods can help us maintain a healthy life. Apple is high in pectin, a soluble fiber that can help healthy bowel. Banana can help gastrointestinal ulcers and it is high in fiber. Cabbage can help relieve gas and soothe an irritated stomach and ulcers. Deep water fish is a good source of Omega 3 is good for maintaining the lining of intestinal tract and it refresh the brain. Figs (ingeer) are not only delicious but they are high in fiber. Garlic has best effects to our digestive system. It is also a antibacterial, antifungal and antiworm. Ginger fresh or dried is good for treating nausea, morning sickness in women, and upset digestive system. Grapefruit is high in vitamin C and pectin fiber. Mangoes are high in fiber, calcium and vitamin C. Oranges and pears are high in fiber and full of antioxidants and flavonoids. Yogurt is full of friendly bacteria helps to balance the ecology of our digestive system.


Increased belly fat, decreasing strength, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, trouble sleeping, depression, joint pains, cardiovascular issues, low libido, erectile dysfunction, lack of passion for life.  This may help – Eat healthy complex carbohydrates with fiber, protein and supplements of multivitamins and multi-minerals. Exercise or walk every day.

I AM A SINDHI — wrote Gandhiji way back in 1929

…when I first visited Sindh in 1916, it attracted me in a special way and a bond was established between the Sindhis and me that has proved capable of bearing severe strains. “I have been able to deliver to the Sindhis bitter truths without being misunderstood” — wrote Gandhiji way back in 1929.

Actually Gandhiji delivered to Sindh more sweet truths than bitter truths. And, in any case, all these truths indeed established a very warm relationship between Gandhiji and the Sindhis. He visited Sindh seven times — in 1916, 1917, 1920, 1921, 1929, 1931, and 1934. It was “a Sindhi friend” who had helped Gandhi shift from an expensive hotel to economical lodgings when he arrived in London for his law studies. In 1893, C.L. Lachiram, a Sindhi merchant, helped him organize the Natal Indian Congress. In 1899, Barrister Gandhi successfully fought for seven Sindhi traders who were being denied entry into South Africa. He supported the case of K. Hundamal, a silk merchant of Durban, in his articles in the Indian Opinion.

Continue reading I AM A SINDHI — wrote Gandhiji way back in 1929

Meet Alice Albinia, author of “Empires of the Indus”

Meet Alice Albinia, author of “Empires of the Indus”, Sun, 2 May , 4 pm, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, 48 South 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112-3544 Presented by Friends of South Asia, World Sindhi Congress, and Sindhi Association of North America

“Alice Albinia is the most extraordinary traveler of her generation… A journey of astonishing confidence and courage.”—Rory Stewart

One of the largest rivers in the world, the Indus rises in the Tibetan mountains and flows west across northern India and south through Pakistan. It has been worshiped as a god, used as a tool of imperial expansion, and today is the cement of Pakistan’s fractious union.

Alice Albinia follows the river upstream, through two thousand miles of geography and back to a time five thousand years ago when a string of sophisticated cities grew on its banks. “This turbulent history,

entwined with a superlative travel narrative” (The Guardian) leads us from the ruins of elaborate metropolises, to the bitter divisions of today. Like Rory Stewart’s The Places In Between, Empires of the Indus is an engrossing personal journey and a deeply moving portrait of a river and its people.

Egypt a ticking time bomb – Eric Margolis

As battered air travelers struggle to recover from Iceland’s volcanic big bang, another explosion is building up. This time, it’s a political one that could rock the entire Mideast, where rumours of war involving the U.S., Syria, Israel and Iran are intesifying.

President Hosni Mubarak, the U.S. – supported strongman who has ruled Egypt with an iron hand for almost 30 years, is 81 and in frail health. He has no designated successor. Mubarak, a general, was put into power with U.S. help after the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat by nationalist soldiers. Sadat had been a CIA “asset” since 1952.

Egypt, with 82 million people, is the most populous and important Arab nation and Cairo the cultural centre of the Arab world. It is also an over crowded madhouse with eight million people whose population has tripled since I lived there as a boy. Not counting North Africa, one in three Arabs is Egyptian.

Egypt was once the heart and soul of the Arab and Muslim world. Under Sadat’s predecessor, the widely adored nationalist Jamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt led the Arab world. Egytians despised Sadat as a corrupt western today and sullenly accepted Mubarak. After three decades under Mubarak, Egypt has become a political and cultural back water. In a telling incident, Mubarak recently flew to Germay for gall bladder and colon surgery. After billions in U.S. aid, Mubarak could not even trust a local hospital in the Arab world’s leading nation.

The U.S. gives Egypt $ 1.3 billion annually in military aid to keep the generals content and about $ 700 million in economic aid, not counting secret CIA stipends, and vast amounts of low cost wheat. Mubarak’s Egypt is the cornerstone of America’s Mideast Raj (dominion). Egypt’s 469,000-man armed forces, 397,000 paramilitary police and ferocious secret police keep the regime in power and crush all dissent.

Though large, Egypt’s military is starved by Washington of modern weapons, ammo and spare parts so it can not wage war against Israel. Its sole function is keeping the U.S. backed regime in power. Mubarak has long been a key ally of Israel in battling Islamist and nationalist groups. Egypt and Israel  collaborate on penning up Hamas-led Palestinians in Gaza.

Egypt is now building a new steel wall on the Gaza border with U.S. assistance. Mubarak’s wall, which will go down 12 meters, is designed to block tunnels through which Gaza Palestinians rely for supplies. While Washington fulminates against Iran and China over human rights, it says nothing about client Egypt – where all elections are rigged, regime opponents brutally tortured and political opposition liquidated.

Washington could quickly impose real democracy to Egypt where it pulls all the strings, if it wanted.  Ayman Nour, the last man who dared run in an election against the eternal Mubarak – “pharaoh” to Islamist opponents – was arrested and tortured. Now, as Mubarak’s health fails, the U.S. and Israel are increasingly alarmed his death could produce a political eruption in long repressed Egypt.

Mubarak has been trying to groom his son, Jamal, to succeed him. But Egyptians are deeply opposed. The powerful 72-year old intelligence chief, Gen, Omar Suleiman, an ally of the U.S. and Israel, is another army or air force general for the job. Egypt’s secular political opposition barely exists. The regime’s real opponent remains the relatively moderate, highly popular Islamic Brotherhood. It would win a free election hands  down. But its leadership is old and tired. Half of Egyptians are under 20.

Mohammed El-Baradai, the intelligent, principled, highly respected Egyptian former UN nuclear chief, is calling for real democracy in his homeland. He presents a very attractive candidate to lead post-Mubarak Egypt.

Washington hopes it can ease another compliant general into power and keep the security forces loyal before 30 years of pent-up fury at Mubarak’s dictatorship, Egypt’s political emasculation, thirst for change and dire poverty produce a volcanic eruption on the Nile.


Courtesy: Toronto Sun, April 25, 2010

Link to Sindhi editor or Sindhi Navees

by Abdul-Majid Bhurgri

I am updating the Sindhi Editor. Until now it could only be used on Internet Explorer and on Windows OS. But now it can be used in all browsers and all operating systems. I have tested it in Firefox, Safari, Opera and also in Mac OSX and Linux Ubuntu OS. It is now browser and platform independent. I have also included a click-able on screen keyboard. I hope this will be more useful for Sindhi writers and users.

Link to Sindhi editor or Sindhi Navees


At least we are not Dubai – George Fulton

Courtesy: Tribune

We haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai.

Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweeter, air. Dubai may have the world’s tallest building and the world’s largest shopping mall, but it also has the world’s tiniest soul. It’s a plastic city built in steel and glass.

It has imported all the worst aspects of western culture (excessive consumption, environmental defilement) without importing any of its benefits (democracy, art).

Continue reading At least we are not Dubai – George Fulton

G.M. Syed

“Man’s material and spiritual development is not possible without creating a spirit of universal peace and tolerance. For this, the land of Sindh has an exemplary message: a truly generous respect for mankind. Our venerable ancestors and great saints regarded it as real worship and, for centuries, our people have been a living, proof of the truth and success of this message.” – G.M. Syed

G.M. Syed mainly advocated for non-violence, democracy, secularism (separation of religion from the state), national self-determination, unity among all south Asian nations and states, social and economic equality for all.

Work for the cause, not for any individual leader

By Gul Agha, USA

Whatever any individual does, it does not reflect the cause … could use some good leaders, but the fact remains that almost the entire Sindhi nation stands for the right of self-determination. Sometimes charges against individuals are true, sometimes they are clearly bogus. For example, sometimes I hear utter nonsense like Saiin G. M. Syed, an 80+ year old under house arrest in Sann, “provided terrorist training to MQM”. (in between writing a dozen books on the cause of Sindh and Sindhi culture?). How stupid an idea can there be! Other times, it is about people I know nothing about.

Good leadership is hard in a brutal country which kills, tortures and bribes people. Often such leadership must come from those who are abroad in safe harbors. Unfortunately, many Sindhis abroad do not represent or support the Sindhi cause.

Individuals are not important, ideas are. The good thing about democracy is that people elect a leader and then they remove the leader. Worshiping individuals and thinking of them as saviors is dangerous.

At critical times, many individuals have betrayed the cause.., due to personal ego or due to lack of vision or poor judgment.

All individuals’ actions must be evaluated critically, but honestly. But we must all continue to work for the.. cause, not for any individual leader.

Sindhi identity and survival is under threat, swamped by other culture, language and values under brutal ..occupation and colonization which has imposed by security establishment, making a foreign language as dominant, stealing 97% of Sindh’s resources.


Vitamin E

Studies have shown that vitamin E helps protect against the harmful effects of toxics. Studies indicate that vitamin E may slow the aging process. Studies also showed that vitamin E helps to protect from loung, esophegeal, colerectal, breast and cervical cancers. Vitamin E may helps protect from cardiovascular disease. Vitamin E may also play a role in the healing of wounds. Vitamin E may enhance immune system and may help reduce the chances of auto-immune diseases. Vitamin E may also play an important role for the better functioning of nervous system. Some studies on animals showed that vitamin E reduce the need of insulin in diabetes by improving insulin resistance. Vitamin C also reduce the cholesterol and increase HDL (Good cholesterol). The strong doses of Vitamin E for long time may harmful for the body. The less and moderate  dose of vitamin E has not shown any signs of toxicity.

Sindh’s rich Off-shore Oil and Gas Resources

Translation by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia


Once again, Ishak Soomro shares his research, concerns and warnings on another important natural resource of Sindh that remain largely unknown to the common people of Sindh. His bold article on the off-shore resources of Sindh was printed in Sindhi Daily Ibrat Feb 10, 2010.

According to the article, Pakistan Government has allotted 18 exploration licenses to five (5) multi-national oil companies. The awardees include British Petroleum (BP) which has a dubious record of spending its civil society commitments to please bureaucrats and local chieftains instead of improving conditions of local communities. Other companies include Italy-based ENI, Canadian company called Niko, and Pakistani companies OGDCL and PPL. Mostof these companies already operate on-shore oil and gas fields in Sindh and have checkered records on meeting the commitments on their already profitable on-land oil and gas producing fields. It must be noted that exploring off-shore fields poses greater risks to coastal communities as these activities often destroy livelihood of local fishing families.

Continue reading Sindh’s rich Off-shore Oil and Gas Resources

Giant dam to devastate 200,000 tribal people in Ethiopia

A massive hydroelectric dam project on Ethiopia’s Omo River will devastate at least 200,000 tribal people, Survival said today. Survival is launching an urgent campaign calling on the Ethiopian government to halt the dam (known as Gibe III), and urging potential international funders, including the Africa Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the World Bank and the Italian government not to support the project.

Continue reading Giant dam to devastate 200,000 tribal people in Ethiopia

UN Report – Pakistan: A Rouge Estabilishment

VIEW: UN commission’s command performance —Syed Talat Hussain

Courtesy: Daily Times

The commission, from the very word go, builds up its argument of ‘rogue establishment’. This dimension of the report makes it arguably the most important document to have been produced in recent times. A document that is likely to become an international reference point against Pakistan’s ‘establishment’.

Continue reading UN Report – Pakistan: A Rouge Estabilishment

Online Petition to Bring all Culprits in Benazir Bhutto’s Murder to Justice

Appeal to Bring all Culprits in Benazir Bhutto’s Murder to Justice

Although it took more than two years for the truth to come out from the UN but finally it came and it holds General (retd.) Pervez Musharraf responsible for the assassination of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. We demand from the Pakistan Government to pursue the cause of justice for Benazir Bhutto vigorously by taking immediate legal action against former Pakistani dictator, his agents and co-conspirators, and government officials pointed out in the UN report. We further demand that Pakistan’s various intelligence agencies, particularly Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) be re-organized so that they will protect our true leaders instead of serving dictators.

United Nations investigation team has identified many powerful individuals, agencies, and high level government officials including General Musharraf and his political allies abating the local investigation and creating a huge smoke screen by tempering evidence and by lying to the media and the world. Hosing down of the crime scene, refusal by ISI and local official to authorize autopsy in spite of the insistence of the medical team, denying required level of security to Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, hurriedly commissioning Scotland Yard team to investigate cause of the death within very narrowly defined scope were a few examples of preemptive attempts by Musharraf regime to fake its sincerity into the investigation of this tragedy.

Please go to online Petition and sign it, click here or click the following link;


Legendary love story site of Moomal je Mari to get cultural complex – By Amar Guriro

Courtesy: Daily Times

KARACHI: The Sindh Culture Department has allocated Rs 100 million for the construction of a cultural complex at the ruins of Moomal je Mari in Mirpur Mathelo town in district Ghotki, a place that is associated with the legendary love story of Moomal and Rano – which is also one of the seven Soormis to whom Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai had paid rich tribute to in his poetry.

Continue reading Legendary love story site of Moomal je Mari to get cultural complex – By Amar Guriro

Sindh can provide Power for whole of Pakistan

‘Sindh can provide power for the whole nation’
by Qasim A. Moini
KARACHI: Claiming that Sindh has the potential to provide enough energy to power the entire nation, a speaker suggested at a seminar on Tuesday that efforts should be made to fast-track the establishment of wind farms along the coastal belt of the province to overcome the country-wide energy crisis.

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Loadshedding in Pakistan

Pakistan is facing the darkest period of its history. This is because of the improper management of different Governments of Pakistan. The government slogans of Food, Shelter and Employment seems to be invain.
The load shedding (Blackout) has emerged to be the greatest cause of trouble for the residents of Pakistan . It is observed that 1/3 of the day the electricity remains off. The residents can’t work properly, can’t sleep properly. Ultimately they remain disturbed in every walk of life. There is need to put forward our efforts for the betterment of this problem.