Ghost Schools In Sindh : Childern of Sindh have no luck

The documentary shows several ghost village schools in Mirpur Mathelo, Dadu, Obaro, and Badin, where the school buildings that are serving other purposes and for education. It is said there are now 5,000 such ghost schools. These schools exist on paper only as supposedly all teachers and other staff are receiving their salaries; the repair budget is being regularly spent in maintaining buildings; and students are being shown to be receiving education. But, in fact, no student is receiving any education at such schools.

The irony is that some of the schools reviewed in documentary are said to be in the villages where once families of many current and past ministers lived. The documentary mentions a school in the village of Pir Illahi Bux, who is the grandfather of current Sindh education Minister that has been closed for last nine yeas. A school village in the village of former Minister converted to a warehouse, and yet another school in the arae is in personal use of a wadera (feudal).

We have just become helpless bystanders watching this tragedy that unfolds in front of our eyes. Something has to be done, something must be done before generations of Sindhi boys and girls go without education. – (Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia)

Courtesy: GEO

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2 thoughts on “Ghost Schools In Sindh : Childern of Sindh have no luck”

  1. I am an eye witness and I invite anyone to come and see for themselves that the school which is being talked about in native village of Pir Illahi Bux sb is very much open not only open but it is regular, in good state and also has computer, intact it can be called a model school in the area. I admit that the education in sindh was lacking far behind but now a lot of reforms have been started and starting to trickle down to end user. Teachers have been recruited on merit to meet the shortage of teachers, schools have been provided missing facilities and repaired, new colleges are being constructed in far flung areas to facilitate the people. One must keep in mind that improvement can not be brought over night and it is the collective responsibility of all the government alone can not do anything.
    The media points out these things but are sheltering hundreds of such ghost teachers.

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