The book titled, Delhi Darshan, written by Zulfiqar Halepoto, has been published. This book is a travelogue of India. The book is published by Pakistan’s leading publishing center, FICTION HOUSE. Forward of the book is written by, renowned historian and intellectual, Ahmed Saleem. This is more about political discourse and it discussed Sindh’s decade’s old role in promoting peace, tolerance and secular values to make this region a diverse and peaceful region. It discussed the pains of partition of sub-continent, soreness of migration, crisis of ethnic identity and language, introduction of politics of violence and racism in Sindh, influx towards Sindh and disturbances in Sindh’s socio-economic and cultural landscapes,
politics of rhetoric and hatred by BJP and religious extremists of Pakistan, civil society’s move to influence state sponsored polices of hate from both sides…etc. This book is all about:-
•Zulfiqar Halepoto’s visits and meetings in Delhi and Agra
•Meetings with Sindhi Diaspora and leading Sindhi and Urdu writers and intellectuals
•Conversations with Kaldip Nayyar, Khushwant Singh, Prufal Bidwai, Jatin Desai, Naila Kabeer and other leading development professionals, peace activists and columnists
•Details of the visits to the tombs of Mirza Ghalib, Abu-ul-Kalam Azad, Sufi Sarmad Shaheed, Hazrat Nizamuddin Aoliya, Jamia Masjid, Red fort, Ameer khusro, Taj Mahal, Agra fort, Iskandria etc.
•Visit of the memorial place where the first fire was shot in 1857 war of independence and prison where Bhagat Singh was poisoned.
•Visits of Indian parliament, India Gate, Delhi press club and other places
•Visits of the Historical places of Mughal Period
•Meetings with Bengali communist leaders
•Discussions on peace process and Pakistan-India future relationship
•India’s feeling after Benazir Bhutto’s assassination
The book is dedicated to the finest daughter of sub-continent Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. Book will be available on all major outlets throughout Pakistan after 29th June, 2009.