By Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan, Karachi

1. According to the Sindh Assembly Act, the Sindhi language is to be taught as a compulsory subject according to the Text Book for each class (from i to viii), published by the Sindh Text Book Board.
2. Each book consists of about 30-35 lessons with necessary exercises to be accomplished by the teacher after completion of the reading of the lesson. All the lessons contained in all the prescribed books are about the (a) life sketches of various personalities and their contribution to the human beings, literature, culture, religion or ethics etc.(b) Pakistan (c) Islam (d)Tourism (e) Different aspects of social sciences, technical sciences, commerce, economics etc.
3. According to the strength of each school, about at least 5 teachers are required to be appointed as Sindhi language teacher with necessary knowledge and qualification of Sindhi language.
4.But it is sorry to say and grief to point out that the Sindhi subject is being allowed to be taught just as a formality and not as a compulsory subject with an objective to learn the language in an appropriate academic and literate sense.
5. Only one or two teachers are appointed to teach this subject to a huge number of students in each school.
6. The syllabus or course of each class is prescribed by each school not in accordance with the book directed by the Sindh Text Book Board but teachers are directed in writing to teach only four lessons out of 30-35 lessons contained in the Text Books.
7. Only two periods a week of 45 minutes each are fixed for teaching Sindhi language. In this way the teachers are unable to teach the boys the basic knowledge of Sindhi Language.
8. From the policy and practice of the Private Schools, it has been clear that Sindhi language is being taught just as a formality and not as a compulsory subject.
9. It is therefore a good time to look into this fraud being committed with the Sindhi language and residents of Sindh people but teaching the other languages full-fledged time as well as the strength of teachers is made available.
10. The Education Minister of Sindh is requested to take up this matter and necessary guidelines/ instructions/ directives may be issued from time to time so that the subject of Sindhi language may be taught in accordance with the Act of Sindh Province for the benefit of the people of Sindh and
11. In this regard, it is suggested that the Sindhi Language Authority, Audit and Inspection Departments of Education Department of Sindh province may be assigned the job of Vigilance and inspection for necessary correction and improvement in the Education of Sindhi language with in the Sindh province.