Tag Archives: Asif Zardari

Misuse of military courts will not be allowed, vows Zardari

By Dawn.com

GARHI KHUDA BAKHSH: Speaking at the Bhutto mausoleum to mark Benazir Bhutto’s death anniversary on Saturday, former president and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari vowed that the misuse of military courts will not be allowed. He said the PPP will only accept military courts when it is proven that they are not being used politically

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‘Threats to democracy’: PPP won’t let anyone impose agenda by force, says Asif Zardari

LAHORE / ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Co-Chairperson and former president Asif Ali Zardari has said his party will not permit anyone to impose any ‘peculiar political or ideological agenda’ through brute force or under the pretext of religion or democracy.
“We reiterate that all power belongs to the people and they alone are empowered to bring about political change through ballot,” he said in a statement issued to media on Saturday at the occasion of the party’s 47th foundation day, which will be held on today (Sunday).

“While the threat of imposition of direct dictatorship may appear to have receded, we are not unmindful of the other forms of threats to democracy that rear their ugly heads from time to time.

Zardari said his party is also conscious of threats to democracy in the name of democracy itself and is determined to foil them.

“While the threat of imposition of direct dictatorship may appear to have receded, we are not unmindful of the other forms of threats to democracy that rear their ugly heads from time to time. The PPP is aware of such threats and is ready to fight against them,” he said.

Read more » The Express Tribune


Sindhi Intellectuals Vow to Resist Action to Dislodge Elected Government

NRO decision: Its political Implications on Sindh – Intellectuals vow to resist move to dislodge elected govt

Courtesy: daily dawn

Speakers at a dialogue said that even though the PPP had disappointed people, if it was removed through unconstitutional and undemocratic means, the people and Sindh would not accept it. They also said that Asif Ali Zardari was being targeted for being a Sindhi. –

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By Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan

On 2nd April 2010, we listened Geo TV channel Program entitled MERE MUTABIQ. The hosts were M/s Haroon Rashid Saheb, Irfan Saheb, Ansar Abbasi Saheb and Ayaz Amir. Dr Shahid Saheb showed his usual anger against the elected President of of Pakistan and the Co-Chair Person of the biggest Political Party i.e PPP which got majority in national and provincial general elections held in 2008. The President took oath being the Co-Chair person of the biggest political party i.e PPP. The general elections and the new setup of the present government got existence on account of the national reconciliation forgiving and forgetting the past omissions and commissions committed by all the political leaders and bureaucrats in the past. All concerned reconciled and brought in the derailed democratic system in the country after a very long time of 10-11 years. Thus derailed system of government was put on the right track of democracy in the country with a view that the sufferings of poor people of Pakistan can be mitigated but since the very inception of the present setup of government, the media particularly the one channel started a consistent struggle to topple down it on very past flimsy allegations for which Mr.Asif Ali Zardari and some of his partners suffered 11 years imprisonment and other administrative mishaps for about 11 years. Every body knows as to how Dr Shahid was vouchsafed as the MD PTV but he could not prove himself useful, productive and suitable for the post. As soon as the govt knew his unfair attitude and dealings in the PTV, the govt. kicked him and he became the staunch opponent of the PPP govt particularly of Mr.Asif Ali Zardari.The anchor and the hosts during the said discussion they condemned the president and all hosts of the said programme except Ayaz Amir the elected MNA of chakwal, stressed the establishment particularly, the military and other agencies to topple down Mr. Zardari and mid-term election may be announced but Mr. Ayaz Amir who showed his sagacity and sanity in admonishing anchor and other hosts of the program not to be insensible to pass any remark about the forcible or un-constitutional removal of the president of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari but suggest and apply the constitutional methods and ways to remove him. He was again of sagacious views that no body should think of un-constitutional way of removal of Mr Zardari but in the eyes of the present constitution, he and the PPP government should be allowed to complete their tenure of five years and another setup of government and the President should be changed through the next general elections in the country so that the plant of democratic system should get firm roots otherwise same un-constitutional and dictatorial system will again devour the national integrity, solidarity and even sovereign status of the country. Mr.Ayaz Amir and the people of the level of his sanity deserve appreciations and the people of such national spirit may pray to almighty God to multiply the number of people possessing the spirit of national sagacity and sanity in our country Pakistan and improve all those who have vested interests and try to derail the system whatever we have got after a heavy toll of sacrifices.

Power, perceptions and the PPP

By Irfan Husain

Courtesy: dawn

To be fair, Asif Zardari made a good start, surprising many by his efforts to create an inclusive alliance.

It isn’t often that I agree with Nawaz Sharif. However, when he said a few weeks ago that the PPP was its own worst enemy, he put his finger on the problem this government has faced since it was sworn in nearly two years ago.

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Sindhi Culture under attack by Pakistani Media

by: Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia

For many years, Pakistan’s exploiting class including Urdu and some English media have been engaged in a malicious propaganda against Sindhi culture and language. First, they and short-sighted custodians of Sindh destroyed Sindh’s education system which was once envy of other provinces. Their particular assault was against Sindhi-medium schools that has ultimately resulted in the closure of more 7,000 Sindhi-medium schools in Sindh. This conspiracy has succeeded so much that many of Sindh’s middle class and upper middle class parents send their children to only the English and Urdu medium schools. Seeing the success of this conspiracy, the enemies of Sindhi culture and language have now extended their assault against Sindhi dress and other cultural aspects.

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Mumbai attack was meant to topple my govt, says Zardari

Highlighting action against Lashker-e-Toiba and detained Jaish-e-Mohammed founder Maulana Masood Azhar as evidence of Pakistan’s commitment in fighting teror, president Asif Ali Zardari maintained that Mumbai attacks were targeted at his government and blamed non-state actors for the security situation within Pakistan. Portraying Pakistan as a victim of terror, Zardari in an Op-ed piece in The New York Times puts the blame on non state actors for targetig the peace process between India and Pakistan. “The Mubai attacks were directed not only at India but also at Pakistan’s new democratic government and the peace process with India that we have initiated. Supporters of authoritarianism in Pakistan and non-state actors with a vested interest in perpetuating conflict do not want change in Pakistan to take root, said Mr. Zardari…

Inaugural Speech by Asif Zardari, President of Pakistan

Dear Fellow Citizen,

This is an auspicious occasion for me to be standing here and address you as the President of Pakistan. With deepest humility and sense of gratitude I accept this responsibility that is bestowed upon me. This is truly an honor for me which I could not have imagined. Twenty years have passed since the Peoples Party was in power with the first term ofBenazir Bhutto. Much has changed since. I was thirty three years old man then. I have been to jail and I have been accused of many things. While I will not hesitate to admit my shortcomings in the past but I must say many of the charges were politically motivated as you all well know.

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