A malifide intended PM has been disqualified. Every one on the streets is reciting ‘Va ja ul-hukke va zahaq-al-batil, Innul batila kana zahuka’. Finally piety, chastity and good has prevailed. There is fresh breeze of purity that is causing stir on the horizon of virtue. Crying babies have started giggling, trees and crops have started smiling, milkmen started distributing non-contaminated milk, the sounds of angels’s wings have started spurring on the sovereign aerospace of Pakistan, the faces of parliamentarians are beaming with the new respect that they have attained and last but not least executive has finally cheerfully decided to not to interfere in the craft of running a government again, ever! And every one is going to live happily ever after. Right?
I don’t know about you but personally I don’t agree with my above bizarre juxtaposition. Reality is actually more grim. From the history, we know there were times when military dictators would topple elected governments and aggrieved party would go to Supreme Court as a last recourse. But times have changed now. A bad and corrupt Prime Minister has been disqualified by an honest and upright judiciary. The maligned fellow was in General Musharraf’s dungeons when the same esteemed judges were taking oath under PCO ( not once but twice ) and gifted the blank cheque decisions to the dictator to amend the constitution, the way he pleased to do so.
Sweets are being distributed. But only history would be the judge as how a new tool has been gifted to the establishment to cut parliament to size and now the next Prime Minsters would meet the same fate, in the foreseeable future. The current parliament worked so hard to amend the constitution so to take out the most autocratic dispensation of infamous 58-2(b) from the constitution, so that no single individual should prevail on the will of the people. And I would blame it to the leader of shooders, as why he picked the office of the president, as this office was meant for ‘Brahmans’, who would sit there and conspire against the elected governments. But with a head-shooder on the altar, constitution that was void of 58-2(b), the ‘good guys’ were perturbed as how to relieve the public of an inept government, as they used to play these holy-missions back in the decade 90s. However, where there is will, there is a way. First a whole section of media was unleashed on the sitting government and one gentleman in particular was assigned to talk about packing of government, every night before he went home. That didn’t work! Just that poor guy lost his job. But soon, government’s contemptuous behavior was discovered and justice was required to be done, and justice they did!
The raison de’attre of firing the PM (ex-now) is the contempt of the court. The question certainly arises what punishment we should prescribe to those who have been not only doing open contempt but actually spitting venom on the parliament for last four years, every night in the independent media’s gossip shows? Now that question can land anybody in trouble. The question of contempt of parliament is a novice’s choice of wrong words. Fact of the matter is that parliament is on the tip of the shoe of everyone. Our constitution says that judiciary and armed forces cannot be ridiculed, fair enough, but what about the parliament that gave this constitution.
Volumes can be said on this matter but time to take a pause, for now. But there is one impression that ( nauzu-billa) does this expediency has anything to do with a successful business genius Arsalan ( Cannot write his last name, no pun intended )? And if I remember correctly few days back a two member bench of Supreme Court ordered the government for strict punishment for Arsalan but before anything could be done to him government itself is packed off!
Mur kay bhee chain na paya to phir kidher jain gai.
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