by Shaikh Mohommad
[1] If we use brute force, the result are quiet surprising. Americans used force against Mosaddeq – who was elected by the Iranian people. Mosaddeq was executed and Shah was brought in and now MULLAHS are ruling Iran.
[2] In Pakistan Americans used their force to support the Military and now slowly, extremism are holding sway. ..who supported General Musharraf and see what is now happening in Pakistan.
We should support democracy – come what may and ultimately the people will chose the right rulers. If the medicine given by a doctor does not work, you do not go to a witch doctor. Do you? The form of government is agreed by the people of Pakistan – I refer to the Constitution. Let us stick to Constituioncome what may.
Comming to Swat, let the people decide what they want. Thank God,Zardari and his colleagues are seeing the folly of using force. Remember UK,peace came when British Government arrived at peace accord with IRA.
If USA continues to interfere in Pakistan’s internal affaires, more bomb attacks and lawlessness will result. We all should say a big NO to USA and let us sit down and sort out our problems peacefully.
Army should return to the barracks and dismantle its economic empire and give up its illegal occupation of lands misappropriated during the Army rule.
In the end, Swat has not fallen. It is still in Pakistan. What has fallen is the mentality of “I am right” shown by Pakistan’s military. They lost East Pakistan and did not learn.
Source- posted by Shaikh Mohammad on several e-lists.