Tag Archives: extrimis

Pakistani-Canadians condemn terrorist attack on Ahmadis


We, the undersigned Canadians of Pakistani origin, strongly condemn the massacre of over eighty and the wounding of many more Ahmadi citizens of Pakistan assembled in their mosques in Lahore to offer Friday prayers on May 28, 2010. Our heart-felt sympathies and condolences go to the loved ones of those killed and injured in the brutal and unprovoked attacks.

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Sending the fanatics a clear message – By Saleem H Ali


I am writing this article from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where the news of the tragic attack in Lahore has just reached me via CNN. Although I had plans for another topic for this week’s article, the tragedy compels me to tackle the subject head-on. Such intolerance has existed in other faiths as well but they have gotten over it. Christians have learned from their indiscretions during the inquisition and Hindus have also learned from their theological fractures after the assassination of Gandhi. Yet Muslims remain unable to deal with pluralism.

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Failure of Global Muslims

April 21, 2009
Failure of Global Muslim Communities
by Sadia Dehlvi
Courtesy: Globe Online
‘The Inability to Present Islam as a Peaceful Religion is a Collective Failure of Global Muslim Communities… Let Us Become Louder Than the Radical [Islamist] Voices That Claim to Represent Us”.

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