Tag Archives: August 1947

`Bring back Jinnah`s Pakistan` – 2

By Ardeshir Cowasjee

There has to be something seriously wrong with a country in which many of its citizens are still arguing as to whether it should or should not have been made, or debating as to whether it came into being by accident, intent, design or even intrigue. All possible accusations have been levied against the logic of Pakistan`s making.

The fact is that Pakistan exists and has existed for 62 years — in what shape is quite another matter. Arguments on that score will never cease, and they should not as it failed initially to take off in the right direction.

A valid argument has been made by a few of the many who responded to last week`s column against the exhortation `bring back Jinnah`s Pakistan` — that we should be looking and moving forwards rather than retreating.

Continue reading `Bring back Jinnah`s Pakistan` – 2