by Nasir Mansoor,
Adrash is one of the serious Marxist magazines in Sindhi. It was bring into being in Jan 2004 by Comrade Asim Akhund (Late), young Marxist intellectual and former member of Executive Committee of LPP and Sindh Dost Baaliq Tanzeem. After the untimely death of Comrade Asim, LPP Sindh with the team of Adrash decided to publish it to continue the revolutionary legacy of Comrade Asim in Sindh. Last issue of the magazine was dedicated to Comrade Asim, his political and intellectual work.
The latest number (15) with 128 pages (Price 60 Pak Rupees) contain following articles IMF ( International Monetary Fund or I M Fatal ) by Sarang, Crisis in Pakistan By Comrade Bakshal Thalo, Civil society : A Marxist analysis By Comrade Shafqat Kadiri, Trade Union Movement By Nasir Mansoor
What is stated By Comrade Faiz KerioPeasant revolts and third world countries By Aqbal Ahmed/Fahed Sarhandi
Socialism & Socialist movement By Comrade Nisar Leghari
My Life Auto Biography of Comrade Fidal Castro , Selected translation by Shafqat Kadiri
Russian Socialist revolution 1917 By Comrade bakshal Thaloo
Komi Nkroma -a revolutionary By Comrade Shoab Shah
The Origin Of  Family, Private Property And State (F.Engles), Book Review
Brick Kiln workers( Brief Profile )
Title of Adrash is attached here with.
Editor; Comrade Bakshal Thalo
D-4/167, Nasim Nagar, Phase II, Qasim Abad, Hyderabad, Sindh
Nasir Mansoor
Secretary Labour affairs
Labour Party Pakistan
628, Mashrik Center,
Gulshan Iqbal , Block 14,
Karachi , Pakistan
Phone # +9221-485-4643, Fax No. +9221-414-1898,
Mobile # 0300-358-7211
sallam adrsh sath…. sin ma BABAR ALI BALHRO NASIRABAD SINDH khan coment kary rahyo aahyan….. maADARSH jo 4,5 karyo parhyo aahen en. en ma b twahn dostan sa gad kam karan ji umeed kaya tho…..
it;s tremendous