The brave Egyptian people – Join together. …
Tag Archives: Revolution
TUNISIA: Revolution shows hollowness of Arab system in face of people power
By – Amr Hamzawy in Beirut
The citizens’ revolution in Tunisia that forced dictator Zine el Abidine ben Ali to flee the country provides many lessons for the Arab world. Regimes should keep the lessons in mind to avoid repeating Tunisia’s experience in their own countries, while citizens can draw inspiration in hopes of effecting democratic change. …
Read more : Los Angeles Times
Literature and Revolution
Leon Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution
“Trotsky was perhaps the greatest representative in history of the Marxist school of literary criticism, which itself incorporated what was most farsighted in the aesthetic criticism produced by the bourgeois-democratic revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.”
This extraordinary work of Marxist literary criticism, first published in 1924, is a further illustration of the author’s multifaceted genius. Leon Trotsky, co-leader of the Russian Revolution and its leading orator, Soviet foreign minister and founder and leader of the Red Army, was also one of the leading Marxist critics of this period.
Trotsky subjects the leading trends in literature and art in the early years of the revolution to criticism that is sharp but never tendentious. He illuminates and develops the Marxist method of historical materialism, rejecting “art for art’s sake” conceptions as well as their apparent opposite, the theories of “proletarian culture” and “proletarian art,” then becoming fashionable in certain left circles. …
Mehring Books is pleased to make Literature and Revolution by Leon Trotsky available to readers of the World Socialist Web Site. Click here to order
Calling it a revolution is a fraud
ANALYSIS: A thoroughly bogus ‘revolution’ —Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur
A revolution is a revolution only when it is thorough, otherwise it is a thoroughly bogus revolution. If only the heads of the Sindhis and the Baloch roll down from this revolution’s economic plus law and order guillotine, it is ethnic suppression and not a revolution.
Revolution, like patriotism, has become the last refuge of scoundrels who seek survival by demanding something they pathologically fear and abhor. Altaf Hussain demands a ‘patriotic generals’-led French Revolution and seeks the economic annihilation of waderas and jagirdars (feudals and landlords) by the occupation of their lands. He, his party and others of their ilk want to hoodwink people with bogus revolutionary slogans. Power and pelf make people do things that ordinary mortals like us cannot even half comprehend.
Remarkably, the average wealth of the MQM’s honest middle-class MNAs is Rs 25 million; an impartial assets review since 1980 would reveal the bitter truth. Naturally, redistribution of this wealth is glossed over and not a word about the land that its land mafia owns is uttered. The MQM also opposes flood relief property tax in urban Sindh; duplicitous conduct is it not?
Selective amnesia afflicts these bogus revolutionaries. Neither he nor his deceitful co-revolutionaries ever mention the tyranny at the Okara Military Farms or mazarains’ (tenants’) rights nor demand punitive measures against industrialists and businessmen. They never demand appropriation of the generals’ lands in Guddu, Kotri Barrages or Chashma-Jhelum Link Canal. They conveniently forget the innumerable Chak Shahzads and also the plots and privileges that the judiciary, the bureaucracy and the military have.
All enthusiastically condemn the mirs, pirs, waderas and sardars, but not a word is uttered about the Manshas, Hashwanis, Monnoos, Schons, Razzaks, Habibs, Saigols, Malik Riazs, etc, as if these angel incarnates devote their lives to the selfless and profitless service of mankind. This chorus for revolution brazenly stinks of ethno-centric bias ….
Read more >> Daily Times
Kyrgyzstan chaos: Deadly protests
The Unplanned Revolution:
Observations on the processes of Socio-economic change in Pakistan
Introduction by: Zulfiqar Halepoto, Hyderabad, Sindh
It is indeed a very pleasant news to share with you that a new 350 pages book of Dr Arif Hasan is published by Oxford university press titled “The Unplanned Revolution: Observations on the processes of Socio-economic change in Pakistan”