Observations on the processes of Socio-economic change in Pakistan
Introduction by: Zulfiqar Halepoto, Hyderabad, Sindh
It is indeed a very pleasant news to share with you that a new 350 pages book of Dr Arif Hasan is published by Oxford university press titled “The Unplanned Revolution: Observations on the processes of Socio-economic change in Pakistan”
This book is a compilation of author’s research and field work based papers for various national and international seminars, workshops, symposiums, turnings and conferences.
The book is divided into six sections, representing the different ecological regions of Pakistan. These sections are the Mountains, Indus Plains and Western Islands, The Desert, the River (Indus), the Coast and the City. The social, economic, physical and governance related changes that have taken place in these regions are described through extracts from reports, field notes for different development related work and media articles prepared by the author and through extracts from his personal diaries.
The writings identify past socio-economic conditions as viewed by the communities the author worked or interacted with, present conditions and emerging trends. It also identifies the actors of change, their relationships with each other and with the larger physical and political context on the other. The section on the city deals with the informal sector in the provision of land and services, the impact of globalisation on culture and development and contains geographies of resistance by communities to “insensitive” development projects.
Chapters on Thar, Indus Delta area, Mohanas (the fishermen community) and the dynamics of development of rural Sindh are the most interesting observations by the author.
Readership / Level
Researchers, scholars, academics and students of sociology, political economy, human geography, social work, regional planning and national international development agencies and NGOs and others who wish to understand the dynamics of change in Pakistan.
About the Author / Editor
Arif Hasan is an architect/planner dealing with urban planning and development issues, particularly those concerning Asia and Pakistan.
I must say that it is a MUST worth reading book. Book is available on all oxford outlets