Punjab holds effectual power in Pakistan through its regional armed forces

by: Iqbal Tareen, USA

Punjab holds effectual power in Pakistan through its regional armed forces. Its power can’t be diluted by simply dividing it into multiple provinces. As a matter of fact all current provinces of Pakistan are factual provinces of Punjab. It will require a total sea change the way Punjab treats its smaller stakeholders in Pakistan. Instead of creating provinces, it will have to relinquish its quenchless desire of domination. It must begin sharing power by providing right to self-governance and ownership of resources to smaller provinces….

One thought on “Punjab holds effectual power in Pakistan through its regional armed forces”

  1. They cannot let any other provinces of Pakistan have their actual rights and since they are the policy makers and has over 80% influence in the armed forces they think they can do anything with the country and look what they are doing to our country, Pakistan is near collapsing with Terrorism, Poverty and Energy-crisis all time high, the pure mentality of punjab is that of a servant of the foreign regimes, no matter history shows the truth about these people from Alexander the great till sikh rules and british raj they joined their forces instantly and started drawing swords against their own people, it is their majority that makes them a big province but look at the facts Sindh is much more rich in resources and Balochistan is larger in size, you can spread you word with me on

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