Chellenges of our Society and youth

by Mukhtiar Samo, Larkano

A participatory talk programme on “Challeging issues of our Society and Youth” was held in Knowledge Centre Larkana . It was presided over by Naseer Memen, a prominent writer and Chief Executive of Strengthening Participatory Organizations (SPO).

Participating in the talk he said that the country has more than 60 million youth that is a great challenge for the government because if this big population of young people did not get right direction and they were not provided opportunities to engage in positive pursuits it would turn disastrous for our society. He further said that amongst other reasons bad governance was also major cause of poverty. Public sector in our country did not have even five per cent absorption capacity for employment but in contrast the private sector was providing unlimited set of employment opportunities to the people. He said that youth instead of concentrating on getting job in govt. sector organizations should work for career building and get appropriate employment in open market which always welcomes the meritorious and offered lucrative opportunities. He said that Employment does not mean only salaried jobs as was misconception in youth but it means an opportunity to work honestly and earn money, also contributing to the development of the society. He said that education is not solely for job but its fundamental aim is to create good and useful citizens. Education is power, so youth should achieve it and use that power for well being of humankind. He further said that computer literacy is a dire need of the time; therefore computer education should be for introduced at all levels in academic institutions. In modern era the definition of literate person is said to be a person who can operate computer.

He said that through internet one can reach to the treasures of knowledge and opportunities without spending much money. Dr. Ayoub shaikh a prominent columnist said that man himself is a master of his destination and he could opt for progress or other way round. The true leaders and the saviours of a nation don’t yield and accept the slavery of times but they lead the times into favour of their nation’s interests and development of their country. He said that successful people always resist their false ego and deny the urge for their personal gains but they always work for general good of the society to which they are also a part. He said that we need to uphold the sanctity of the educational institutions and ensure standard of education there because education is an effective tool for progress. Ghulam Mustafa Baloch said that critical thinking is not encouraged in the students in our academic institutions. Prof. Mukhtiar Samo, Honorary Director of

Knowledge Centre said that youth need to be taught to respect others’ opinions without losing temper because the ability to demonstrate sense of accommodation and tolerance ensures creation of egalitarian society. He said that no young people should be denied an access to the educational opportunity on what ever excuse. Knowledge Centre is also a self initiative aiming at providing educational facilities and empowering the youth.

The large number of youth participated in the programme. Among others who spoke on the occasion included Saima Shaikh, Ghulam Fatima , Ali Bux , Saeed Ahmed and Sajjid Ali Soomro.

April 8, 2010

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