Sri Lankan Government orders expulsion of a Pakistani human rights activist‏

Peace Force Directress and Human rights protection officer ordered to quit country

–ordered on intelligence unit report –Imm. and Emigration Director

(Lanka-e-News, July 08, 2010, 10.50AM) Peace Force and non violence Directress, Tiffany Eastham of the SL division and Human rights protection coordinator Ali Pal have been informed by the Dept of Immigration and Emigration that their visas have been cancelled, and they cannot stay any longer in SL.

When Chulananda Perera, the Immigration and emigration Director General was asked about this visa cancellation, he stated that he had acted on the report furnished by the Govt. intelligence unit.

The decision to expel two chief Peace Force officers from SL amidst protests staged against the appointment of a Committee by Ban Ki Moon to advise him on the human rights violations in SL during the war has invited the focus and attention of all Organizations acting on behalf of human rights protection.

Read more >>- LANKAENNEWS

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