Canada calls BSF anti-human, violent unit


New Delhi: The Canadian High Commission has rejected an immigration application of an Indian for working in the Border Security Force which the Canadian authority says, is a notorious force that is engaged in systematic attacks on civilians.

Fateh Singh Pandher, a retired jawan from the BSF, had applied to travel to Canada along with his family. But the Canada High Commission here refused to give permission to travel to Canada.

Pandher told CNN-IBN that the High Commission authority described the BSF as a violent paramilitary unit and is engaged in systematic attacks on civilians and responsible for torturing suspected criminals. It further holds the BSF responsible for committing crime against humanity.

Pandher has met the Director General of the BSF and has requested him to take up the matter with appropriate authority.

The Union Home ministry has reportedly informed the Ministry of External Affairs about the developments and asked it to take up the matter with the concerned Canadian authorities.


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