2 thoughts on “Kastoori Kolhi “Sindh Je Marvi””

  1. Kastoori Kolhi is the Marvi of Sindh. She also belongs to the village where Marvi lived. This is fact that women of Kolhi community usually kidnapped by feudal lords and raped. The landlords consider kolhi women their property. The keep them in bondage. After kastoori case again a landlord of Samro shoot two women near Kot Ghulam Muhammad near Mirpurkhas after the kolhi girl refused to go with that landlord. Surprisingly no any voice raised by elected representatives of ruling party as they all are the part of this feudal system. Come forward and do something for the ancient and real Sindhis.

  2. Thanks for sharing this news. All must condemn and rise their voice against such crimes against religious minorities specially Kolhi community of Sindh

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