Join the Fight to Demand Justice for Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

Although it took more than two years for the truth to come out from the UN but finally it came and it holds General (retd.) Pervez Musharraf responsible for the assassination of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.

We demand from the Pakistan Government to pursue the cause of justice for Benazir Bhutto vigorously by taking immediate legal action against former Pakistani dictator, his agents and co-conspirators, and government officials pointed out in the UN report. We further demand that Pakistan’s various intelligence agencies, particularly Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) be re-organized so that they will protect

our true leaders instead of serving dictators.

United Nations investigation team has identified many powerful individuals, agencies, and high level government officials including General Musharraf and his political allies abating the local investigation and creating a huge smoke screen by tempering evidence

and by lying to the media and the world. Hosing down of the crime scene, refusal by ISI and local official to authorize autopsy in spite of the insistence of the medical team, denying required level of security to Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, hurriedly commissioning Scotland Yard team to investigate cause of the death within very narrowly defined scope were a few examples of preemptive attempts by Musharraf regime to fake its sincerity into the investigation of this tragedy.

In a detailed report the UN Investigation team has established the motive, ability, and the role of Musharraf government, Pakistani military and civil agencies under his control, and his coalition

partners in the federal and provincial governments in the planning and execution of Mohtarma’s murder. The government of Pakistan is provided enough grounds to issue arrest warrants against all those who are

listed as possible accomplices in Mohtarma’s assassination. The careful study of high profile assassinations has shown us how a series

of assassinations of possible witnesses were triggered to remove the traces of any evidence that can implicate the most powerful parties implicated in the crime. We anticipate that the similar pattern will be carried out to protect main actors behind this crime.

We agree with those PPP Leaders when they say that though the UN report contained nothing new, delay in the implementation of the report would create further doubts in the minds of the people and this situation would be detrimental to the political future of the party.

The UN Report also says that not only the former regime but also personal security of Benazir Bhutto were responsible for her security, as both did not fulfill their responsibility”

We appeal major powers including Unites States of America, Members of European Community, China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, and all countries of the world to deny former Pakistani Dictator any safe heaven or entry in their country.

We urge Pakistani parliament to pass a resolution seeking help from United Nations to facilitate extradition of General Musharraf from any of its member countries.

We appeal all democracy and justice loving people and political parties of Pakistan and Pakistani Diaspora to demonstrate their support in bringing all culprits to Justice. We call for direct involvement of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to make sure justice

nothing but justice is done in this case to send a powerful message that justice will be done no matter how powerful the culprit may be.

We encourage members of overseas Pakistani community to form action committees to plan a long drawn struggle in facilitating the justice.

Please write to your Congressmen, members parliament, government leaders, media, hold public rallies in front of Pakistani Embassies and High Commissions, heads of government and heads of state.

In coming days we will reach out to Pakistani community in Washington DC metro area and friends of justice and democracy in Pakistan to

organize a rally.

You can reach us on (202) 747-2640 for extending your support and advice.

1. Iqbal Tareen


Silver Lining International, Inc.

A 501 C (3) Nonprofit

1380 Monroe Street NW, # 435

Washington, DC 20010

2. Jawaid Bhutto

Washington, DC

3. Khalid Hashmani


Sindhi Excellence Team

April 19, 2010

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