Abolish the death penalty

‘The death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state. This cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment is done in the name of justice. It violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We oppose the death penalty in all cases without exception regardless of the nature of the crime, the characteristics of the offender, or the method used by the state to kill the prisoner.’

There is a hope. We are getting closer to a death penalty-free world.

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One thought on “Abolish the death penalty”

  1. Murder of any kind is totally rejected by the laws of nature in survival of the fittest. In any case of animal survival, it is the intelligent entities who usually survive the odds. But, it is the species that must survive, not the individual. This is where religion fails humanity. It is amazing that humanity has not seen beyond its feral emotions to eradicate the world of religious slavery and murder. Because of the many insane religious laws in the world, most of humanity are cowering in fear with their heads up their behinds. Human slavery is the bigges drawback to any religion. These insidious rules perpetuate the greed of those in power to enslave the world while moral leaders live in opulence and evade responsibility.

    War is a crime of religion and it murders more humans than any other single act of our sick societies. Democratic regims strive for the dignity and equality of all citizens of the world while religious tenets, used by political terrorists, attempt to destroy the fabric of democracy. Religions barely accept only their own as rightious and reject all other religions, groups or individuals who deny their draconian laws. Religion perpetuates slavery by rewarding the rightious wealthy while spurning all others who aspire to their wealth. This inequality in humanity caused by religious preference is what promotes civil disobedience and crime, including murder, in all societies.

    The ugly face of slavery is predominant in the world today through the economic structure of global societies and is forced on humanity by ruling tyrants who control the wealth and power in maintaining their own greed and privilege. In democracy all governments are accountable to the public and it’s about time the majority stood up and took back the global wealth and resources for the benefit of the majority instead of the greedy few.

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