This is outrageous. The people must stand up and stop this nonsense. This women should immediately be set free and the judge should be arrested and prosecuted for such unjust, harsh and uncalled for verdict. This should not happen in the name of religion.
According to news reports ….
Read more : Indus Herald
For more details : BBC urdu
Pakistani mullaas in UK, US, Canada and other western countries preach that Islam is very tolerant and pluralistic religion and they call Pakistan a “Fort of Islam”. Is this their tolerance towards other Pakistani citizens just because their religion is different than them. Is this their tolerance? or poverty of mind? Why the Pakistan government authorities let these fanatics to distort the religion. Prophet (P.B.U.H) in his life never mistreated even his worst enemies. I hope Pakistan government authorities should take immediate action against the fundamentalist clerics whos harsh verdict put a poor woman in life threatening situation.