Positivity outweighs negativity

By Munawar Laghari, Washington, DC, USA

As I suggested at the SANA ‘Vision’ Session, in St. Louis, USA, I will be happy to assist in many areas. I will do what ever I can do for the ‘Sindh Cause’ from any platform. I have a firm belief that there are all means and tools available to work for the future generation of Sindhis, provided we lay a solid ground of cooperation and create a conducive environment for them. For a long time, we are passing through very difficult times. Presently, when the most alarming challenge is the false impression that “Sindhis are now ruling Sindh”. We need to create a new momentum for Sindh. I understand and cannot underemphasize the fact that any major change will have to come from within Sindh itself. However, we the Diaspora can contribute very effectively to gear up the efforts of our sisters and brothers in Sindh, by offering our best from outside of Sindh all over the world. In June 2009, I attended the United Nations Human Rights Council Conference, held in Geneva, Switzerland. This was a great opportunity for me to meet our very dear and respectable friend and representative of World Sindhi Congress, Madam Suriya Makhdoom. Through our extremely useful exchange of ideas, we came to a clear understanding of some strategies for future plans and projects. Hence, I am willing to coordinate with all other Sindhi Forums and organizations, in order to build a better concerted and result oriented initiatives of all Sindhi overseas Organizations in whichever capacity I may be able to contribute in.

Dear friends, the challenge we all are confronted with is exponential. We need to be ready to face it by getting serious, sincere, honest and positive.

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