Tag Archives: leaky gut

What is a Sensory defensiveness condition?

Some common symptoms of sensory defensiveness condition- Dislikes touches, hugs, scratching or rubbing the spot that has been touched. Reacts badly to light, anxiety, and aggression. Fussy about tags, collars, textures, difficult to adjust to cloths or uncomfortable to cloths, skin rashes, uncomfortable to some rags and fabrics, dislikes the touches of animals, very ticklish, irritation with brushing hair or shampoo, easily gets cold, hot, uncomfortable to noise and sound, irritated to light or sun light, fear to elevator, heights, stairs, irritation with odors and perfumes, cleaning supplies, soaps, lotions, irritation with grass, fears all the time, get sick easily, over excited, sneezing, coughing, irritation to vacuum cleaners, toilet flush, fear of dentist, irritation with vibration, sensitive feelings to different things etc. If you have above symptoms or symptoms like that, it means you have sensory defensiveness condition .

If you have sensory defensiveness condition, it means you have vulnerable nervous system, digestive system, allergies, leaky gut syndrome, and parasite over growth in colon. The relationship between allergies and sensory defensiveness is well known.

This may help: Cut sugar and sugar products, wheat and wheat products, peanuts, prawns/shrimps, rice and rice products, potato and potato products from your diet. Eat grape fruit, avoid the environment with gives you allergies, avoid constipation, limit carbohydrates, and take multi-minerals and multi-vitamins, eat washed fresh green leafy vegetable, use garlic and ginger in your food if you are not allergic to them, chew your food well, eat deep water fish, avoid process foods, eat papaya and radish, use black pepper and raw seeds, drink 8 to 10 glasses of clean fresh water, take yogurt early in the morning with full glass of water every day to introduce pro-biotic bacteria (friendly bacteria of yogurt to you digestive system.

Digestive problems

If you are experiencing abdominal gas, burping, burning, bloating, abdominal swelling, abdominal discomfort, winds more than normal, constipation or diarrhea, cracked nails, food allergies, irregular bowels, mood swings, anxiety, poor memory, skin problems and you are more than 40 years then it might be possible that you have Low stomach acid levels (low stomach acid levels symptom, are mostly as same as Acid reflux symptoms), low digestive-enzyme levels and leaky-gut syndrome.

May help>> Cut sugar and refine carbohydrates (cakes, cookies, candies etc), chew properly, do not drink water just after meal, eat beetroot (Chakunder), eat raw vegetables and fruits, (especially radish/moori/mooli), papito/papaya, gineger (adraq), Onions (basr), Garliq (thoom), take multi-vitamins and mineral, and plain yogurt early in the morning with a glass of water (lasi) every day up to 6 months to 2 years, depends on the severity of problem.