By Dr Ali Akbar M. Dhakan, Karachi, Sindh

A comprehensive and voluminous book of Mr.Mohammad Qaisar chohan titled as above has been published by Seventh Sky publication urdu bazar Lahore in January 2009. In all 82 cases of looters have been covered in detail. Most of them consist of very important and famous cases like corruption of Pervez Musharaf, former prime minister, Shoukat Aziz, FBR, Pakistan Steel Mills,

Habib Bank, Flour, Sugar, KSE, Guwadar, Railways, Dr.Naseem Ashraf, Farooq Laghari, PSO, Telephones, PIA, KESC, Wapda, ZTBL, Saif Rehman, P.H.A, Governer State Bank and other scandals. Regarding Pervaiz Musharaf,the learned author has described that the example of Pervaiz Musharaf, these days, is like that retired general for whom it is said that just as alive elephant costs lakh and the dead elephant one and quarter lakh so in the case with the retired general after his retirement who gets more financial benefits.Pervaiz Musharaf is also enjoying the same position but about his corruption and irregularities, there is open discussion in the streets and every where although he frequently issued statements about his transparent and honest dealings in all his affairs for which no one can dare in future to blame him for his corruption and scandals beacuse he never did any wrong but his claim proves wrong if a cursory glance is put on his all activities, one feels wonders as to how he got forcibly implemented his all orders carrying his army stick in hands without the participation of a civilian person having no military dress during his tenure of eight years, ten months and six days. He ruled on yesmanship. If he said yes, all following him used to say yes, at his no, all would say no. When he used to sit in an entertaining gathering, even the CBR chairmen in order to entertain him more , used to dance without anglets and drums. No body could stop him from blasting any Madrassah or running race of ladies with nickers. Since his take over as army chief after dissolving the Democratic system in Pakistan on 12th October 1999, all scandals, irregularities and wrong doings should be read in this book. The author has lastly remarked that what so ever he is suffering today, it is all due to his all wrong actions and deeds. About Shoukat Aziz, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, the author has described about the FBI team investigating the Inside trading in Pakistan during his tenure. All facts can be known from this book.

Now that we have got good and relevant information about all the scandals of corruption and irregularities committed, as to why not the Government of Pakistan takes necessary actions to investigate them and check up the path of corruption in Pakistan in order to save our future generations from the financial frauds and scandals and make the country more prosperous and strong.

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