by: Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan, Karachi

The federal Bank in Pakistan is called State Bank of Pakistan. There is Governor’s office and MD’s office. The Function of both is  same but only the tax payer citizens’ money is spent twice. The exchequer is to be spent lavishly on two managements but the function & nomenclature, staff and management is  same. For Karachi offices, the recruitment is open for whole Pakistan but for Punjab Offices the recruitment is meant for the People of Punjab only. So the staff or officers belong dominantly at least more than 90% to Punjab and the rest 10% for three provinces including other places i.e. AJK, FATA, NATA etc. The loss is therefore accrued by the People of Sindh.

The astonishing fact is that since a long time, there is no man on its Board of Directors as a member from Sindh Rural but at the highest echelon also no man belongs to Sindh Rural i.e. Governor, Deputy Governor, Executive Directer, Adviser, Directors and Senior Joint Directors. It is also not fair that in the management of the Bank that there are just one or two men from Rural Sindh, they all have been neglected for their due promotions  since a very long time.

All the lower staff is being recruited first on daily wages and contract basis without observing quota for Rural Sindh and then their services are regularized on permanent basis. In this way in the lower category of employment or recruitment Sindhis have not been given their constitutional rights of recruitment on the management of the State Bank of Pakistan. No authority is to ask them for these irregularities being committed in the federal institution of Pakistan.  No weight is being given to the seniority, so the seniors are being neglected for their further timely promotions and other rights.

Can the Sindh Assembly members take up this matter with the Prime Minister and the President of Pakistan and to Mr.  Hafeez Sheikh, Minister Finance Govt. of Pakistan to look into the facts and get the People of Sindh their constitutional rights.  Amounts of handshake is being given to the senior officers or employees to leave the service and so the chance comes for the management to recruit the people of their choice. A lay man can also imagine that it is not a State Bank of the federation of Pakistan but it is a bank of few officers who are working only for their own interests.

July 3, 2010

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