3 thoughts on “Must watch: PAKISTAN AND 2012 – see what he says”

    India claims to be a secular democratic state has broken all the records of violence, genocide and massacre in Kashmir.Under fabricated democracy and secularism, Indian subsequent regimes dominated by Hindutva have been using brutal force ruthlessly against the freedom movement of Kashmir, where struggle for independence is alive in one or the other form from decades.
    In Indian-held Kashmir, since 1947, Indian forces have intermittently been employing all the possible techniques of military terrorism such as innocent killings, custodian killings, compling for migration, curfews, crackdowns, sieges, massacre, targeted killings etc. to maintain their illegal rule. Under all puppet regimes in the occupied Kashmir, Indian brutalities keep on going against the freedom movement of Kashmir. More than three lacks Kashmire killed, huge migration of Muslims-Hindus, thousands disable, thousands in jails. More than 5000 unmarked graves of the unidentified Kashmires were uncovered in Indian-held Kashmir. These graves include bodies of extrajudicial executions committed by the Indian forces & their agents. World human rights organizations as per their limited authorities, only condemning such human rights violations in the occupied Kashmir & authorized World lords including media are silent.
    During violent struggle, World lords openly showed concerns & continue their open/hidden support to India to overcome militancy. Even many well wisher intellectuals advised Kashmire leadership to recharge again also, the non violent mass freedom movement to avoid more human loss & to gain the sympathies of the World. It is unfortunate with Kashmires even after launching non violent mass movement, neither Indian policy makers changed their brutal mood nor the World is yet influenced, though Kashmir being the first international issue before UNO.

    World is silent, though Kashmir problem being an international issue, where Kashmire engaged in non violent freedom struggle, are victim of Indian brutalities. It is unfortunate that World failed for reasonable and humane solutions to Kashmir problem as had taken seriously the issue of East Tymoor. Which Kashmir dispute can any time turn the sub continent into a ball of fire? Such double standards of UNO can block the path to peace for the World.

    Why international organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union & the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) are silent over such injustice & brutalities. They should seek an effective & permanent solution for such occupied soil, for ending the deadly attacks on poor Kashmires, innocent civilian killing & ensuring safe arrival of migrated Muslims-non muslims,who do suffer, back to their soil. As there are many ways for solution other than power & violence. Then we can ensure peace in sub continent.
    Pakistan the only one sincere supporter of Kashmirs, unfortunately being victim of international conspires; self desired rulers & Divine disaster continue its political & diplomatic support to Kashmires. No doubt it is the time for Pak policy makers to do more & to utilize all political & diplomatic routs to expose the cunning cruel India before the World. Kashmires have huge hopes with Pakistan should be aware that, Raw utilizing communal Hindu elements to destabilizing Pakistan via backing in human suicide blasts & separatists in Bolochistan. Pakistan based on religion has banned all Muslim fundamental hardliner groups. And is facing huge human & property loses in war against few Muslim violent groups. But so called secular India instead of taking action against Hindu terrorists, has been using them to create frenzy against the other religious communities especially to curb mass freedom movement of Kashmir. Indian investigations proved that the militants belonging to Hindu fundamental groups are involved in arms training & in bomb-making by the help of Indian army officials. Attacks on a Mosque in Parbhane , involvement of Lt.Col. Purohet in bombing of Samjota Express & many hidden/open terrorists have exposed their agenda. Before this exposure about Hindu terrorism, India has been accusing the I.S.I/Islamic organizations in carrying such brutal acts.
    So under such debatable situation, sincere leadership of Kashmir & Pakistan should avoid blame game rather to realize the pain & problems of each other. It can maintain the geographical & spiritual deep relations of the public of both soils, which Indian agencies are willing to dilute.
    Bold Kashmires being victim of Indian brutalities do focus on where they want to go .Not on what they fear, who don’t think of all their miseries, but of all the truth that still remains, that cruel is always coward, cruel India utilizing all types of brutalities to curb Kashmir legal freedom movement, can never conquer. Divine law is evil can never conquer. Every brutal act of India is another step backward for India & every wrong attempt discarded by Kashmire’s is another step forward. So to continue the struggle with one agenda & program by united leadership is the priority of Kashmires, who by the blessings of Allah, can conquer, as they believe one day both India & the World will recognize their basic rights.
    Kashmir Study Circle
    Only one neutral institution engaged in mission of research, media & charity without publicity & fund raising for thirteen years, Resulting instead to making bank balance & assets, with sacrifices only. All records of mission safe & open for all well wishers. We advise what we practice & believe only by practicing spirit of FAITH, we can make goal visible, not the materialism, the base of all evils.

  2. Different ideologies, cultural perspectives; social injustice, corruption, innocent killing, political and international conditions have much impact over our new generation. There has been a morally change in Kashmir as well as in Pakistan due to many factors in addition to unfair, secular & injustice policies. Also ruling class, media……., moves …..Encourage converting Islamic culture to modern culture in Muslim societies, as per the designs of anti Islamic forces are responsible for immoral activities.

    In addition to Indian & U.N.O. double standards different agendas & disunity among leaders Kashmire new generation is with confusions & uncertain about themselves. Some are in conflict with themselves, due to unfair policies of pipit Muslim rulers, self desired leaders, misguided & immature elements.

    So, need of time is to provide emphases on spiritual moral values. Which means to prove practically humanism, a deep concern for the well being of others and the nation. This can be accomplished only when leaders claiming champion of religion & Nation will succeed to implement moral valves in their lives. And instead to justifying WRONG, rulers & leaders shall be symbol of justice & ready for accountability; which can prove fruitful for recharging movements & can build this land as per the designs of Quad Azam.

    Only our present thoughts and actions will shape our future. Keeping in mind the mistakes of past, we should save ourselves & future. This is a key principle for guiding our new generation; which is possible only by sharing our experiences with results with them:

    Kashmir Study Circle

    Kashmir freedom movement is based on the wishes, hearty desires & deeply emotional & religious commitment of the majority of Kashmir’s. Under such favorable conditions it is easy to achieve the goal via capable sincere leadership. But it is unfortunate with oppressed Kashmir’s that in past they failed to judge the hidden desires of fabricated sympathies of Indian congress leadership with popular leadership of Kashmir. And at present even after heavy sacrifices to pressurize the leadership for unity & single agenda which creates confusion to civilized freedom friendly World.,
    We can neither hide the ideological differences among various groups in Kashmir , nor there is any serious attempt to replace this fractured system. Each group claims its own distinctive contributions in movement, and each in its own way does realize they are suitable to a particular group of people.
    There are two main ideologies.
    1. Independent Kashmir
    2. Association with Pakistan
    It is unfortunate that even groups with common agenda are not united. Which indicates that such disunity is on the bases of personal clashes?
    It is the time to tribute Father of Kashmire Nation Maqbool Bhat by showing sincerity.
    First of all the groups based on the ideology of Maqbool Bhat should initiate to unite themselves under one platform. As well wishers of Kashmir are concerned about different groups in the name of Maqbool Bhat having common ideology.
    So there are two phases to overcome this critical situation. First, they must promote better interfaith understanding for creating a workable degree of unity. This may be achieved by respecting each other’s leader and by emphasizing common concern about occupation of Kashmir. Second, they must unite themselves under one platform with viable consensus acceptable for all such groups.
    Same program should be practiced by Pakistan accusation thought of leaders & groups.
    These positive steps of both schools of thoughts will enable them to frame united agenda against occupied forces. I have framed such plan as promised via my article published in Weekly Chattan Sgr. Expecting this plan will be acceptable for all well wishers of Kashmir, as it is easy to discuss or do politics or to make soil of Kashmir easy path to paradise, but difficult to bear all types of atrocities especially attacks on honor continuously for decades. Can New Delhi or Islamabad afford disturbance even for one year. So it may be treated as human issue also.
    To contribute Maqbool Bhat is to share the sufferings of fellow affected citizens.
    This is the test of the moral & spiritual strength of leaders. They must set an example by their practice. They should not hope to convince others of the value of sacrifices & justice by mere words. Unless they must not live up to the same life standards and sacrifice that they ask of others. The ultimate purpose of Islam, which we claim is the base of Kashmir movement, is to serve and benefit others. But I know many whose sacrifices are worth praise in movement do suffer in both sides & few in the name of Kashmir are enjoying luxuries.
    Maqbool Bhat is MAQBOOL because of his sacrifices & commitment with mission? While in Tehar jail India offered him everything, he neither bow there nor he begs when was arrested in AJK. On 23th July 1976, letter of Maqbool was published in Indian Express, in which Maqbool declared this truth that he is only agent of his conscious.
    The best tribute to hero of Kashmir via leaders is not to bow before cunning enemy nor to take dictation for dollars & be only agent of conscious.
    It is unfortunate that Hindus with so many sects & vast ideological differences do prefer united India , while as Muslims with one Prophet, one Holy book & with spiritual duty to be united, are with different options. In addition to Indian brutalities;due to U.N.O. double standards, different agendas & disunity among leaders Kashmire new generation is with confusions & uncertain about themselves. Some are in conflict with themselves, due to unfair policies of puppet Muslim rulers, self desired leaders, misguided & immature elements.

    No doubt India engaged in brutalities to curb legal Kashmir freedom movement, is doing WRONG with his 80% population without basic facilities, can never conquer, as evil can never conquer.
    Only capable freedom leaders ………….with high moral valves can conquer who believe they can.
    Kashmir Study Circle
    An independent institution engaged in …….., media, research & charity mission, without any publicity & fund raising.
    Published articles, comments, letters in leading local & international Newspapers, magazines & webs, speeches & open debates with international intellectuals are open proof of its claim.
    Charity details are safe in official record & open for all. We believe the base of our life ISLAM is with the spirit Struggle, Humanity, peace, justice, honesty, sincerity, sacrifice, hard work, simplicity, charity………
    Not materialism & aggression;the reason behind downfall of Nations & crimes throughout the World?
    Deserve guide line & prays.

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