Marjor Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Diabetes has long been liked to chronic kidney disease but now it also consider a culprit of cardiovascular disease. Diabetics cannot control the level of glucose/ sugar in the blood. Sugar is one of the nutrients that the body uses for energy. Insulin is made by the pancreas allows the cells to absorb sugar from the blood. In diabetes, either the body produces insufficient insulin, or the cells of the body no longer respond normally to insulin. High blood sugar stresses and damages cells, especially the filtering capillaries in the kidneys and the capillaries in the back of the eyes suffer from suffer from increased blood pressure and lead to vision loss. People with diabetes often also have high blood cholesterol and high triglycerides to contributes to atherosclerosis leads to heart attacks and strokes.

266 Urs : Shah Latif a Source of Awakening

Shah Latif Bhitai is varstile poet, his content, language, diction, heroes, characters, every thing is rich and beautiful, such programs like celebrating Latif-Day offers a chance to establish connection between Bhitai and the people. Latif is always refreshing and inspiring, alas, lot of people have given up reading him, he is our greatest strength, a sole source of awakening, spread light into stagnant minds of our people.

He not only depicts Sindh, its culture, past but gives an inspiration for change, “Wethan ta waree wary“, several one liners of his poetry are remarkable, one hardly finds such a wide-ranging observations, wisdom and reflecting on diverse things. Bhitai, though a son of Sindh, not lived in era of globalization and communication revolution, but he truly encompass universe in his poetry.




Translation – May Lord bless Sindh along with entire world.

Shah Abdul Lateef : The soul of Sindh

by Chandiramani

Shah Abdul Latif was born in 1689 in Khatiyan in Hyderabad district. He passed away in 1752 and is buried in a mausoleum in Bhitshah. He was a great poet , scholar and a Sufi mystic. It is absolutely appropriate if he is called the Soul of Sindh. He strongly believed in peace and contentment.

Altough he was born in a wealthy family , he renunciated everything to to become a wandering mystic. During his wanderings he came in contact with Hindu Yogis and made no distinction between anybody. Slowly desciples gathered around him.

He was exceedingly fond of music and would sing his poetry on Tamboora, based on classical Ragas. His music knowledge was of a very high order. In his musical renderings, he always yearned for union with God.

His poetry was memorised by a disciple who wrote it down. Finally credit goes to a German Ernest Trumpp, who knew Sindhi and he got everything compiled in Shah jo Risalo.

The beneficiaries of Haiti’s earthquake


Courtesy: globeistan

In the first week of January, a 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti. Over a 100,000 people died.

Long ago, the United States had made a pact with God that it is never going to let Haiti become independent—economically and politically. The US has succeeded— which means the God is stronger than the devil.

Pat Robertson, as usual, showed how cruel a man of God could be. He has not yet forgiven Haiti for revolting against the French colonial rule in 1804 and becoming the first republic to be led by blacks, and also the first independent country in Latin America. For this man of God, Haiti’s independence was “a pact with devil!” In other words, what he is saying is that the colored people should make a pact with God by staying under the white yoke. And this white Taliban has the CBN or Christian Broadcasting Network at his disposal.

The US army got a chance to reoccupy Haiti. By the way, this is the island where Columbus first landed in 1492 thinking that he has reached India.

Continue reading The beneficiaries of Haiti’s earthquake

PAKISTAN: Shameful acts by the lawyers to ruin the rule of law

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

Lawyers have stormed the Lahore Session Courts to show their solidarity with a lawyer and former president of Lahore high court bar association who was arrested in the murder case of a 12-year-old Christian domestic helper. The girl was allegedly tortured. The lawyers, more than three hundred under the leadership of president of the Lahore Bar Association, went to the Session Court and took possession of the accused lawyer, Mr. Naeem. They then scuffled with media personnel and policemen who threatened that they would be punished if they did not leave the court. It then became difficult for the judge to proceed with the legal requirements of the case.

Continue reading PAKISTAN: Shameful acts by the lawyers to ruin the rule of law

Women’s health- may be iron deficient!

Do you often feel weak or irritable? Tired of being tired most of the time? Are you pale, tired and lack  appetite? Do you have difficulty concentrating? Do you easily catch colds? Cracked skin around your mouth? Do you have dark circles under the eyes? Then you may be iron deficient and you need boost your iron levels. This may help- Consume washed fresh dark green vegetables, eat fresh fruits and the foods that are rich in Iron or multi-vitamins with iron supplements.

Eligiblity of President Zardari challenged in Election Commission

Zardari’s eligibility challenged

Courtesy: The News

ISLAMABAD: A reference was filed on Sunday in the Election Commission of Pakistan, challenging the eligibility of Asif Ali Zardari as president of Pakistan.

Continue reading Eligiblity of President Zardari challenged in Election Commission

Will Sindhu River disappear forever from the soil of Sindh??

By Gul Karamchand
…True, the Songs of Rg Veda, the world’s first and foremost literature, echo and re-echo as they sing with ecstasy and delight of Sindhu River Here is one verse out of many: “Sindhu’s roar rises high above the earth, right up to the heavens above. . . Sindhu leads all other rivers just as a warrior-king leads the rest of warriors . . . Rich in fine steeds is Sindhu; Rich in gold; nobly fashioned is Sindhu; rich in ample wealth is Sindhu.

But the Question does arise : Do we know the destiny of Sindhu River? Or to put this question simply: How Long will Sindhu River continue to flow through Sindh? Or, is it fated to disappear in the near future? Will my grand children, and yours, visiting Sindh, be able to view this once- great and majestic river

For the Rg-Vedic poets, the rivers par excellence were the Sindhu and Saraswati which are mentioned repeatedly, respectfully and glowingly in the Vedas. In fact, no other river has been mentioned in Rg Veda as often as Sindhu and Saraswati. The Veda refers to the Ganga (Ganges) only twice, but it makes as many as thirty references to the Sindhu and Saraswati Rivers. The mighty Sindhu (Indus) river symbolizes the power and permanence of the ancient civilization of the subcontinent which evolved over a period of thousands of years. It is the oldest name in Indian history – and in Indian geography. This is the great Sindhu that gave Sindh and Hind — its name. In Ramayana, Sindhu is referred to as “Mahanadi”, which means “the great mighty river”. In Mahabharat, the Sindhu is reverentially mentioned along with other two holy rivers -Saraswati and Ganga.

Continue reading Will Sindhu River disappear forever from the soil of Sindh??

Save River Indus : Small dams more harmful than Kalabagh dam

Govt should not build small dams, says Abbasi

By Mohammad Hussain Khan

Courtesy: dawn

HYDERABAD: Eminent water expert and former chairman of the Technical Committee on Water Resources (TCWR) A.N.G. Abbasi said on Friday that small dams were more harmful than Kalabagh dam and advised the government to refrain from building them.

Continue reading Save River Indus : Small dams more harmful than Kalabagh dam

Quit Smoking: 7 Tips to make quitting easier

One BIG reason why it’s hard to kick the habit

People start smoking for lots of reasons. But it’s nicotine addiction that can make it so hard to quit. Almost immediately, you feel a rush as the nicotine takes hold. But soon after, you feel down and tired, causing you to crave that rush again. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Continue reading Quit Smoking: 7 Tips to make quitting easier

The Four Noble Truths

When dawn came, Prince Siddhartha had become the great Buddha, the Enlightened One, and formulated the Four Noble Truths on which all of Buddhism is based; 1. that suffering is universal and inevitable, 2. that the immediate cause of suffering is desire, 3. that there is a path leading to freedom from suffering, 4. that it is the Eightfold Path that leads to freedom from suffering.

And the Eightfold Path is as: 1. Right (balanced) View or Understanding, 2. Right Aim or Purpose, 3. Right Speech, 4. Right Action, 5. Right Livelihood, 6. Right Effort, 7. Right Mindfulness, 8. Right concentration.

Baba Farid- The intellectual developments of 12th century Punjab and rise of Sufism

People’s history of the Punjab: Baba Farid
by Dr. Manzur Ejaz, USA
Courtesy and Thanks:
Every invasion of historical proportion resulting in prolonged occupation of territory results in reconfiguration of the intellectual discourse and state of knowledge in society. Mahmud Ghaznavi’s several incursions triggered the process which led to the reorientation of intellectual and scholarly pursuits, and the formalisation of the Punjabi language in the Punjab.

Continue reading Baba Farid- The intellectual developments of 12th century Punjab and rise of Sufism

Save Indus river – with out it Sindh is lost

Following is the portion of Idrees Rajput’s article published in Sindhi Daily Kawish, dated June 26, 2009

The prosperity of Sindh is closely linked with Indus and it is apparently due to this reason, that Sindh is so sensitive, if anyone interferes with the Indus River. Indus water in the body of Sindh is considered as vital as blood is for a human body. So long the Indus was not interferes with, Sindh remained in healthy growth. Unfortunately two thick leeches (Indus links) were stuck very recently to the body of Indus when Sindh was not aware of them. Again the deterioration in the health of Sindh depends upon the sucking programme of these leeches. There is every danger that, if they suck too much, Sindh is liable to be turned in to a desert specially when these links are beyond the boundary of sindh, beyond its control of operation and even observation, very recently when we were short of water, the Taunsa-Panjand link was opened and the water was transferred from the Indus to the Tributary Zone and the water was transferred from the Indus to the Tributary Zone without regard to our historic rights of even basic allocations just to meet certain higher level of uses of the Punjab canals. It is mainly due to this reason that Sindh considers any misdirected or without effective control, operation of Indus links, so hazardous for its very survival.

Supreme Court can Call Army – says Hafiz Peerzada

‘SC can call Army if verdict not implemented’

By Sohail Khan

Courtesy: The New, January 21, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Senior lawyer of the Supreme Court Abdul Hafeez Pirzada on Wednesday said the apex court could call the Army for help in getting its verdict implemented. He said the Army was a part of the executive and was bound to obey the court’s order under Article 190 of the Constitution.

Continue reading Supreme Court can Call Army – says Hafiz Peerzada

Keep moving

If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving.Martin Luther King, Jr.

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. – Norman Cousins

The heart that loves is always young. – Greek proverb

I have met on the street a very poor man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat was out of the elbow, the water passed through his shoes, and the stars through his soul. – Victor Hugo.

Zardari Is On ‘Shaky Ground’ – Senator McCain Says

Washington: Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari is on shaky ground because of a loss of immunity that has been enacted by the Parliament….. “The Pakistanis are also nervous, as the Afghans are, as are other countries in region, about the president’s declaration that we would be leaving in the middle of 2011. That and the build-up of the Afghan army being  sufficient to take over responsibilities from us eventually are the two big problems that I saw on my visit,” McCain added.

Jyoti Basu, A Red Icon

Kolkata: Veteran communist and former chief minister Jyoti Basu passed away on Sunday in 95 years age. Basu influenced the course in his own way, aiming at a blend between communist principles of democratic centralism with the ideals of bourgeois democracy. It was this effort that gave the minority within his party a voice that no Stalin or Deng did offer. The charismatic leader was confined to his home for the last two years due to his age and failing health but that doesn’t stop him to influence the politics.

Call to observe 23rd as People’s Demand Day to express solidarity with oppressed nations of Pakistan, especially with people of Balochistan

Karachi – Sindh: The Progressive Parties Coordination Committee has given a nation-wide call to all progressive forces to celebrate January 23 as People’s Demand Day. Following a conference, participated in by all the major progressive political parties and organizations of the country, nine parties, including Pakistan Workers Party (Abid Hassan Minto), Awami Tahreek (Rasul Bux Palijo), Labour Party (Farooq Tariq), Awami Jamhoori Forum (Jamil Omar), Communist Party of Pakistan (Imdad Qazi), Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (Taimur Rahman), Jeya Sindh Mahaz (Abdul Khaliq Junejo) and Pakistan Seraiki Party (Abdul Hameed Kanju), agreed to form a Progressive Parties Coordination Committee.

Progressive forces all over Pakistan will organize seminars, conferences and processions to raise the three basic demands, curbing terrorism, ending price-hike and unemployment, to express solidarity with oppressed nationalities, especially people of Balochistan.

January 20, 2010

Onion helps reduce allergies and asthma

Raw onion is a good source of Quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavoniod and antioxidant compound. It has anti-inflammatory actions. The compound Quercetin is also helps to reduce the allergies. Quercetin is found naturally in the onion especially in the red outer layers of onion. Quercetin is a compound which counter the allergic chemical histamine. Quercetin has anti-inflammation properties therefore, it helps to reduce the severity of asthma.