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Pakistan remains a military-dominated rentier state

Failed state or Weimar Republic?

Pakistan remains a military-dominated rentier state, still committed to American and Gulf Arab alliances

By Omar Ali

A friend recently wrote to me that Pakistan reminded him of the Weimar republic; an anarchic and poorly managed democracy with some real freedoms and an explosion of artistic creativity, but also with a dangerous fascist ideology attracting more and more adherents as people tire of economic hardship and social disorder and yearn for a savior. Others (much more numerous than the single friend who suggested the Weimar comparison) insist that Pakistan is a failed state. So which is it? Is Pakistan the Weimar republic of the day or is it a failed state?

Continue reading Pakistan remains a military-dominated rentier state

WikiLeaks show how much Pakistan’s ruling elite is amateur, crude & shallow!

WikiLeaks describe the Pakistani political discourse and show the degenerated patterns of Pakistan’s ruling classes. ..

Courtesy: SAMAA TV (News Beat with Meher Bokhari, 01 December 2010)

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