– To see MQM delegation’s visit to Washington DC, please click here
by Saifullah Shaikh
We should join discussion and may formulate future strategy of HOW TO CONTEST AN ETHNIC ORGRANIZATION’S aggressive plans to control Sindh particularly Karachi the capital of Sindh. We should not forget that MQM has been trying for Premiership i.e; seat of Prime minister of Pakistan by any means and they are in full gear and already have initiated efforts in this direction. As we know that maximum benefit of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination goes towards MQM than anybody else. There are newly emerging Signs in politics of Pakistan that in near future NEW POLITICAL GROUPS will be formed and even Nawaz Shareef will be weakened further in Punjab!! Lets see and watch next maneuvering from Establishment in this regard — and all depends on PPP’s stand on Bibi’s murder/fact- finding committee’s report and possible trial of Mushrraf?? along with highly biased role of present Judiciary and in addition the negative politics of ANP AND FUNCTIONAL MUSLIM LEAGUE in Sindh for which MQM was waiting for and now it is not a question of IF but WHEN. On the other hand PPP Politicians declaring themselves as “MUGHAL-i-Azam”!? of Sindh. Last but not least — International players are there to interfere (as always) in Pakistan’s affairs to make this perplexing situation more worse and unpredictable.